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Danilo Assis
Danilo Assis

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How to generate the tree path of your directory

The Tree is a cool tool to exemplify project directories, whether for tutorials, doubts, explanations for your team, etc.

Precisely because it's a cool feature, I'll be showing you how to easily install it on macOS and generate the directory of a GraphQL API as an example.

How to Install macOS

make sure you have brew installed on your pc and run the command below:

daniloab$ brew install tree
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Once installed test the command with which tree. The result should be like:

daniloab:graphql-real-world-server daniloassis$ which tree
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Once having Tree installed successfully, type in your terminal tree to get you directory path:

daniloab:graphql-real-world-server daniloassis$ tree
├── babel.config.js
├── package.json
├── schema.graphql
├── src
│   ├── app.ts
│   ├── config.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├── LikeNewSubscription.ts
│   │   ├── LikeType.ts
│   │   ├── TalkType.ts
│   │   └── UserType.ts
│   ├── pubSub.ts
│   └── schema
│       ├── MutationType.ts
│       ├── QueryType.ts
│       ├── SubscriptionType.ts
│       └── schema.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── webpack
│   └── ReloadServerPlugin.js
├── webpack.js
└── yarn.lock

4 directories, 20 files
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For other ways of installing in macOS take a look at this link

How to Install Ubuntu

through apt-get you can do the installation easily. In your terminal run:

$ sudo apt-get install tree
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Installing Tree successfully star to use it to list your directories.


By being simple and fast, the tree starts to help you daily in tasks that previously could take more operational time from your routine.

Always seek to automate all those manual tasks that take up your time and don't leave you free to direct your focus to what is most important.

The repo used as example is a result from a talk of mine about GraphQL. Feel free to enjoy slides clicking here GraphQL Real World

Repo with a real GraphQL Server

Photo by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird on Unsplash

Top comments (2)

tgmarinhodev profile image
Thiago Marinho

nice article, I like to use tree -L 3 the flag -L says how much level I want to print

daniloab profile image
Danilo Assis

thanks, also good to know!