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How to get started with Rust

Rust is a strange language.

Let’s start!


The first point is move semantic.

fn main() {
    let s = "hello".to_string();
    let t = s;
    let u = s;
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What do you expect? t & u is s? No!

rustc says:

error[E0382]: use of moved value: `s`
3 | let t = s;
  | - value moved here
4 | let u = s;
  | ^ value used here after move
  = note: move occurs because `s` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
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These errors tell you why you got a fail.

In Rust, you should expect default behavior of assign is moving!


And you can expect if any type implements the Copy trait, will be copied.

That’s why these code will work:

let s = 1;
let t = s;
let u = s;
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Implement the Copy trait can use derive notation in Rust.

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Foo {
    number: i32
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Notice that Clone is required.

But a type implement Copy can’t have a field do not implement Copy!!!

So following code will fail.

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Foo {
    label: String
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Error message:

error[E0204]: the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type
1 | #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
  | ^^^^
2 | struct Foo {
3 | number: String,
  | -------------- this field does not implement `Copy`
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In Rust, mutable and immutable is very different.

let s = "one ".to_string();
s.push_str("two ");
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Error report:

error[E0596]: cannot borrow immutable local variable `s` as mutable
2 | let s = "one ".to_string();
  | - consider changing this to `mut s`
3 | s.push_str("two ");
  | ^ cannot borrow mutably
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Because String::push_str borrow &mut self, it can’t be used by an immutable String.


We already have seen String, it’s called owning pointer, others are Vec, Box, etc.

But these pointers will move data. Sometimes, we don’t need to move data, but also don’t want to copy it.

It’s reference showtime!

Rust’s reference has some points.

  1. explicitly using thing it points to
let a = 1;
let r = &a;
assert!(*r == 1);
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  1. mutable reference to mutable ownership
let mut num = 15;
let r = &mut num;
*r += 10;
assert!(*r == 25);
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  1. references are never null
  2. you can’t borrow a value will outlive when you still alive
let r;
    let x = 1;
    r = &x;
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Error message:

error[E0597]: `x` does not live long enough
5 | r = &x;
  | ^ borrowed value does not live long enough
6 | }
  | - `x` dropped here while still borrowed
7 | }
  | - borrowed value needs to live until here
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The problem is r can be accessed after x already be dropped! That means a dangling pointer. Rust disallowed it.


I think these are the hardest part when you’re the beginner of Rust.

Because Rust chooses a new way to handle its memory, move default, checking live-time, sharing data by reference.

Understanding these things is most important to get familiar with Rust.

Hope you like it & can get some help from this.


Programming Rust

  • Author: Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff
  • ISBN: 978-1-491-92728-1

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