DEV Community

Jeet Joshi
Jeet Joshi

Posted on

Starting of your programming life

🚀 Share Your Coding Journey! 🌐

Hey amazing Dev community! 👋 I'm curious to hear about everyone's coding journey. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just started, your story can inspire others who are on their coding adventure. 🚀

How did you first get into coding? 🤔

Did a specific event or experience trigger your interest?
What was your first programming language? 💻

Share your initial coding language and why you chose it.
Any challenges you faced? How did you overcome them? 🛠️

Learning to code comes with its own set of challenges. Share your experiences and tips for overcoming hurdles.
Favorite resources or learning platforms? 📚

Whether it's online courses, books, or interactive platforms, what resources helped you the most?
Memorable projects or achievements? 🏆

Tell us about a project or achievement that you're proud of.
Advice for beginners? 🌱

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their coding journey?
Feel free to share your story and tag anyone you think would love to join the conversation! Let's build a supportive and inspiring community. 💙

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