DEV Community

Robin Kretzschmar
Robin Kretzschmar

Posted on

MeCardGenerator - my first npm package!

I just published my first npm package!

The package is called MeCardGenerator and can be installed via:

npm i --save mecardgenerator
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At the current version 1.0.6 the package contains only one function to create a MeCard string.

The idea came up while working on the third side project where I copied my function from a previous project.
Since I wanted to publish a package ever since but had no idea what, I thought why not use this as first package?

So here is the usage:

const MeCardGen = require("mecardgenerator");

const mcs = MeCardGen(
    "Jon", // First name
    "Doe", // Last name
    "", // email address
    "1-316-019-2128", // phone number (can be formatted)
    "", // website / url
    "758 Elmo Gateway", // Street address
    "Murphyborough", // city
    "WY", // state
    "80562", // zip code
    "United States of America" // country


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Which will output the following string:

MECARD:N:Jon,Doe;;TEL:1-316-019-2128;URL:;ADR:,,758 Elmo Gateway,80562 Murphyborough,WY,United States of America;;
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This string is usually used with a QR-Code generator to enable phones to add contacts by scanning this QR-Code.

I will update the package with a QR Function. But it's just this one function for now.

Feedback welcome!


This package provides a helper to generate MeCards to use it with a QR code for phones.


npm i --save mecardgenerator


MeCard only
import MeCardGen from "mecardgenerator";
const mcs = MeCardGen(
    "Jon", // First name
    "Doe", // Last name
    "", // email address
    "1-316-019-2128", // phone number (can be formatted)
    "", // website / url
    "758 Elmo Gateway", // Street address
    "Murphyborough", // city
    "WY", // state
    "80562", // zip code
    "United States of America" // country
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MeCard with QR Code (react)

To generate a QR Code, use the qrcode.react library in combination with this package:

import QRCode from "qrcode.react";
import MeCardGen from "mecardgenerator";
const mcs = MeCardGen(
    "Jon", // First name
    "Doe", // Last name
    "", // email address
    "1-316-019-2128", // phone number (can be formatted)
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Top comments (2)

theooliveira profile image
Theo Oliveira

Congrats man. I will test it out. One day I will do my own

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar • Edited

Thank you 😊
Best of luck, if you need advice on how to get started, let me know.