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My Summer Vacation!


Making the usual 'first post' obligatory Hello World post. Just like back in grade school when the first class back after summer was an oral presentation on what you did on your vacation.

Me: Longtime viewer of Dev.

From Canada - lived in Toronto for eons but moved to Edmonton a year or so ago the be near the wildfires. er. I mean mountains. But boy oh boy does this province get wildfires!!

Anyhooooo. hello and etc. I'm not sure what I'll have to contribute but almost every course I take suggests I should be blogging and posting what I learn. So here I am.

Thank you for wasting your time with me. We can eat gummy bears and sit in the shade and watch the summer turn to fall together.

Top comments (3)

realcodycordova profile image
Cody Cordova

hello :D

Good ol California get's it fair share of fires too lololol

darrenfj profile image

Mudslides too I hear.

helluva a world we got going now eh?

darrenfj profile image

I have a very questionable appreciation of grammar and punctuation.