Wanted to create a series about github actions. I added the frontmatter meta like so
title: Github Actions introduction
tags: ...
series: Github Actions
I also added a second draft article, that is not visible yet. However, there is no series shown in the article that I expected (see screenshot of example). Is there something I am missing? Thanks for any help :)
Top comments (6)
I'm not sure whether or not you can do it with frontmatter (I never tried). But you can do it from the settings for the post. Maybe it isn't showing because the second post is still a draft? With a series, each post links to all others in series. If 2nd is still a draft, the first can't link to it yet. And if there is only 1 post in a series, it doesn't show as series until there are at least 2 posts. See what happens after you post your draft.
Ok. Will try. Thanks!
Oh good question, Stefan! I believe I know what's happening here and it's kind of confusing.
We don't actually display information about the post being part of a series until there is more than one entry in it. So, once you write your second entry in the series the Table of Contents and title for the series should show up for everyone.
I'll bring this up to our Product team as it is kind of confusing the way it doesn't currently show that for you!
I see. Thanks for clarification. It would already help to have this information as part of the faq / docs, since I looked there first.
No problem and good point!
I've just added it to our FAQ along with a link to this Best Practices for Writing on DEV series which begins with Creating a Series.
Best Practices for Writing on DEV: Creating a Series
Sloan the DEV Moderator for The DEV Team ・ Apr 17
The FAQ likely still needs some updates, but hopefully this helps.
Is there a way to delete a series, say one that is not used anymore