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Cover image for Twilio Challenge: Tweet Magic App
Alexander Bolaño
Alexander Bolaño

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Twilio Challenge: Tweet Magic App

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

As someone fascinated by the power of data, I want to share how it's being used AI and Twilio to help to Social media enthusiasts looking to add a creative twist to their online communication, this is the reason why I built the Twilio Tweet Magic 🪄, This is an unique app designed to help you generate captivating tweets from URLs and emotions. Whether you want to summarize an article, express a feeling, or just have some fun, Twilio Tweet Magic makes it effortless.

How It Works:

  • Generate Tweets: Simply input a URL of a news item and select an emotion. Twilio Tweet Magic uses the Gemini AI power to craft a tweet that captures the essence of the content and your chosen mood.

  • Create Stunning Images: Alongside your tweet, TwilioTweetMagic can generate visually appealing images that complement the message, adding an extra layer of creativity to your social media posts.

  • Seamless Integration with Twilio: Leveraging Twilio's robust messaging service, you can send these unique tweets and images directly to WhatsApp. Instantly share your thoughts, feelings, and creative expressions with friends, family, or followers.

AI Services used

  • AWS Bedrock
  • Gemini


Twilio and AI

To create this app, I utilized the Gemini API to generate tweets based on news URL and user-specified emotions, bringing a personalized touch to each tweet. Then, I harnessed the power of AWS Bedrock to build realistic images associated with these tweets, enhancing their visual appeal. However, this innovative functionality wouldn't be possible without Twilio's robust services.

In today's digital age, verifying user authenticity is crucial, and Twilio Verify ensures that only real users gain access to our app. Once verified, users can effortlessly send their custom tweets and images directly to a WhatsApp number, thanks to Twilio's WhatsApp Sandbox.

Image description

Image description

My submission qualifies for the following additional prize categories:

  • Twilio Times Two: The project uses Twilio Programmable Messaging (WhatsApp Sandbox) and Twilio Verify.

  • Entertaining Endeavors: TwilioTweetMagic is perfect for social media enthusiasts seeking to enhance their posts, content creators aiming to share engaging summaries of articles, and anyone looking to add a creative twist to their online communication.

Source code

GitHub logo alexbonella / challenge-twilio-tweet-magic-app

Generate and share tweets with emotion and images. Powered by Twilio.


App Name:

  • Twilio Tweet Magic 🪄 : Generate and share tweets with emotion and images. Powered by Twilio.

Twilio Services :

  • Twilio Verify - SMS - OTP
  • Twilio Programmable Messaging (WhatsApp Sandbox)

Hit the Start! ⭐

If you plan to use this repo for learning or find this content helpful, please hit the start. Thanks! 🙌🏻


Welcome to TwilioTweetMagic! This app allows you to generate tweets from URLs and feelings, combining the power of natural language processing with the creativity of image generation. Leveraging Twilio's robust messaging service, you can easily send these unique tweets and images directly to WhatsApp. Whether you're looking to share a moment, express a mood, or simply create something fun, TwilioTweetMagic has got you covered.


  • Generate tweets based on URLs and specified feelings using Gemini.
  • Create and send images associated with the generated tweets using AWS Bedrock.
  • Seamlessly send your…

<!-- Thanks for participating! →

Top comments (1)

gabogarcia14 profile image
Gabriel A. García Londoño

What a work!!

Interesting use case of GenAI for content creation, let's keep rocking!