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The Compile-To-JS Zoo

Ben Lovy on November 20, 2018

There are lots of tools that promise to let you write your client-side code without touching an ounce of JavaScript. Which ones does the co...
antonrich profile image

Highly recommend Elm (it has everything, its own package system as well, no runtime exception - and that is true and has been tested in production).

vitalcog profile image
Chad Windham

+1 Elm!

While I actually don't favor anything over vanilla JS, if you absolutely want to compile to JS from something else, Elm seems to offer some cool stuff. I've dabbled with it and it is a lot of fun. Wish it were more popular.

antonrich profile image

It is somewhat Haskell like, but doesn't have typeclasses.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

This is my trepidation - typeclasses are one of the things I love most about Haskell. Is it limiting to not have an analogous system?

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antonrich profile image
Anton • Edited

I hear both sides of the story. The general picture is:

  • people coming from JS are raving about Elm when they get it.
  • people coming from Haskell miss typeclasses a lot and are not fond of lack of typeclasses. I guess the only way to find out is try for yourself. It won't take a lot of time because you are familiar with Haskell.

I personally don't mind that at all. The language is very productive after all.

P.S. I was, maybe, a little bit misleading. It doesn't have typeclasses. But it has types and type inference as well. You can define your own types with custom types (previously known as union types).

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Fair enough! Thank you.

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antonrich profile image

If I can recommend the best presentation on the language, this one would be it.

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

This is my trepidation - typeclasses are one of the things I love most about Haskell. Is it limiting to not have an analogous system?

No, I do not find lack of typeclasses or HKTs limiting (in Elm or F#). F# has sorta-kinda-halfway emulations of typeclasses and HKTs using statically resolved type parameters (SRTP) and inline functions. F# itself uses those as convenient solutions to problems like equality and math operators. But I never use those in my own code. Immutable types already have built-in value equality in F#, and for other types of operations, I'd rather use it as MyTypeModule.opName for clarity of what it's doing and where the code lives. There are a few places where I would find HKTs useful, but it is not a big deal. I typically find I focus on types as data structures in F# and not so much on the type theory. And that makes coding pretty straightforward to read later albeit not quite as abstracted as it could be.

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Great answer, thank you! It's true I mostly leverage Haskell's typeclasses in the form of libraries that provide powerful abstractions. My love for them came from studying them, but that love hasn't necessarily translated into real creative use much. Ease of reading is a huge point too. I have a lot of appreciation for what Clojure can do with only the most basic building blocks, and Elm seems to embrace a similar simplicity but with types.

Thanks for the links, too. Hadn't heard of SRTPs, that's pretty cool. I assumed the solution was always modules, OCaml style, like your example - not that that's a bad thing by a long shot.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

Fable-Elmish. It’s basically MVU (hence “elmish”) in F#. Plus the ability to write your own effects in F# (and synchronous if you want). Also auto gen JSON parsers if you know the JSON structure up front. The F# code is translated to JS thru Babel (hence Fable). It uses React to render the UI.

I still hate front end build stuff. But these tools at least make the coding part of the UIs nice.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Huh, this sounds really nice. I've never touched anything .NET, but if I did I always assumed F# would be my jumping off point. I'll have to look more into this, thank you!

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I'm starting to explore using Kotlin/JS. I'm really intrigued by the idea of being able use one language to create libraries shared by frontend web, Android, iOS, and the server, but haven't really done enough in it to know how well it actually works for frontend web dev.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Awesome! In a similar vein, I've heard that people who try out ScalaJS never really want to use anything else.

Kotlin is seeming more and more like an excellent choice for my "new language of the year" in 2019.

Thanks for the recommendation!

antonrich profile image
Anton • Edited

By the way, the JS itself compiles to JS(Babel).

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

True enough! It's rare not to use some sort of compilation pipeline these days. Not to mention JITing engines in most major browsers

vladyio profile image
Vlad Andreev

Take a look at Mint. It certainly has some potential.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Interesting! Never heard of this, thank you