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Who uses IRC?

Ben Lovy on January 12, 2020

Just curious who out there still uses this as a primary tool. IRC was a huge component of my middle school-to-high school experience, so ~2003-201...
codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I spend a lot of time in IRC. I can guarantee that Slack is nothing like it; it carries none of the culture! I've met some of my closest internet friends via IRC.

I'm on Freenode IRC, especially #python, #learnprogramming, #python-offtopic, #ubuntu-offtopic, and several others.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald
gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

I still enjoy bouncing in and out of the programming rooms on freenode - the Lisp peeps are super nice and happy to explain stuff.

And whenever I did Rust in always had the official IRC channels open. But they're all being shut down ☹️.

IRC's abandonment by the community is a crying shame. People have exchanged an open standard for the ability to share cat GIFs and emoji reactions. People have, once again, disappointed me.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

IRC's abandonment by the community is a crying shame.

First I've heard of any wholesale abandonment. (Or did you mean Rust only?) Some projects have dropped IRC, but many others just use bots to bridge the chat platforms. The largest communities are still there! Freenode IRC's #python and #ubuntu, and OFTC's #debian are just three examples of the core of the community living on IRC.

I guess it's a bit like Usenet now; still very much alive and well, but mostly occupied by people who aren't obsessed with shiny new tech. ;)

By the way, the unofficial ##rust is still there, no doubt occupied by the refugees from #rust. That's how things go on IRC!

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

still very much alive and well, but mostly occupied by people who aren't obsessed with shiny new tech.

My kinda town 😁

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

Good news - XMPP is a perfectly good open standard for exchanging cat GIFs, and we are working hard to providing emoji reactions, too.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes


delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal


deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

I've used this for specific person-to-person situations. #explainlikimfive the larger community?

emnudge profile image

It will always vary. The platform is targeted towards gamers, but the organizational tools overtime far surpassed Slack to the point where there are many programming-related servers.

Some programming languages, such as Rust, have an official server on discord (meaning the devs are there as well). There's usually a separate, massive discord server for every major language. Great place to ask for quick help.

I personally frequent a couple of JS and webdev-related servers. I really enjoy helping people and talking about webdev with some other, more or less experienced devs.

Thread Thread
anwar_nairi profile image
Anwar • Edited

Gridsome has its Discord channels, and I like it very much. There is also plugins to show folks you are "playing" on VSCode, very cool 😁

gabbersepp profile image
Josef Biehler

I know these days where IRC was very popular. The good old days were people who want to code had no tutorial videos on YouTube :D if I remember correctly I had written a IRC bot in PHP. Nowadays I would choose NodeJs for that :-D

silverwolf729 profile image
Moon Wolf ☽🐺 • Edited

I use IRC when I've some free time (Hexchat for Windows). I log onto Freenode, and join Windows, Android, and Astronomy channels.

I love that IRC has had such staying power and not fallen by the wayside, like newsgroups.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes • Edited

I don't log into IRC anymore, but I still visit for the laughs.

Edit: And it is a relic that reminds us that the internet has, from the beginning, been inhabited by phobic trolls and people with a dark sense of humor.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

I wrote an IRC client, once, and used Freenode a lot from the early days (I was on occasional chatting terms with Lilo, indeed). But increasingly, I found IRC just too basic - though I do sometimes use it via gateways from XMPP.

These days I mostly use XMPP, though I have to use the bad stuff to keep in touch with various people who don't.

princealarming profile image

Started with IRC, then tried the java chat thing back in the day, moved to bulletin boards(before they started the political correct stuff and called them forums), then did the Myspace thing. Graduated(or dare I say stooped down to)Fakebook. Did the twitter thing(didn't care for it). And tried a few others. All in all I still visit IRC, when I have time. Same with Discord.

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

Slack feels like the new “IRC” these days, on top of Discord. There are lots of “communities” formed in both. I lurk around a few Slack ones.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I've only used Slack within a team, never in a general community. It's a similar sort of "experts-here" thing?

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

The ones I’m in are either conference related, tech-related or city-related. So it’s a lot of variety.

pareshjoshi profile image

I last used it in 2007, when we did not have any official chat system in the company.

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner

Hanging in QuakeNet was part of my secondary school experience (2001-2010). I once even wrote an irc bot in php.

Nowadays I'm on Discord.

myluckynr7 profile image
Andrei Cotos

@ Undernet ( one of the oldest irc networks )

yorodm profile image
Yoandy Rodriguez Martinez • Edited

Freenode is the source of all knowledge (also the source of all evil, but that's unrelated to the current discussion)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

The two are often inextricable ;)

pauldparadis profile image
Paul D. Paradis

Discord. I would actually like to get more into IRC, but have found it to be a little inscrutable.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

As a primary tool? No. But I do still use IRC.

ntrupin profile image
Noah Trupin

I'm too young to have seen the "good days" of IRC. Can someone ELI5?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Anyone can make a chatroom, anyone can make a server, make yourself up a name. Go, planet.