How to transfer Docker Image from your PC to your Server
This article is to help developers transfer docker images from their Pc to their Webserver without going through DockerHub.
To reduce DockerHub requests!
In this example, I'll be showing how to transfer from a Windows PC to a Ubuntu Linux Webserver.
Step 1 Open your project in the root directory
ex. cd /Users/sammy/projects/cars
Step 2 Build your image
docker build -t <dockerhubAccountname>/<imageName>:<version> .
ex. docker build -t sammy/cars:1.0 .
Do not forget the dot .
for the current file.
Step 3 Save your Image as a compressed file.
docker save -o /Users/sammy/cars.tar sammy/cars:1.0
Step 4 Upload the compressed File to your Webserver.
I use Filezilla and upload the file to the root user directory.
or One can try rsync.
rsync -avz cars.tar
Step 5 Ssh onto your Webserver
+ password
Step 6 Load the image into Docker on the Webserver
sudo docker load -i cars.tar
Step 7 Check if the Image is loaded.
sudo docker images
Step 8 Run the image in a container
sudo docker run -d --name sammycars -p 8080:80 sammy/cars:1.0
Step 9 Check if the container is running.
sudo docker container la -a
If you rinse and repeat first stop the current container and remove it.
sudo docker stop sammycars
sudo docker rm sammycars
Then remove the Image
sudo docker rmi sammy/cars:1.0
I hope this was helpful and if already known, a cheatsheet then.
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