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Lattice Generation using GPU computing in realtime

Here I am sharing a opensource software through which possibility to create lattice structure which can change shape and size spatially that too in real time (almost) . Even though heavy computation are happening in the background , with the help of GPU computing it is achieved with element wise computation executing parallely. This helps in avoiding the storage creation of very big Matrices. Without the memory problem(huge RAM memory), this sofware package increases the feasibility for generating spatially variant lattice for real world problems.

The main dependencies required for this software to run are CUDA, Vulkan and GLFW.

Cuda facilitate parallel computation,

Vulkan handles faster visualisation ,

GLFW handles the window management.

The possibilities of this software is demonstrated with 6 different examples in the following picture

Normal - no change in the orientation of lattice

Bend - Bending the lattice progressively from 0 to 90 degree

Round - 360 degree rotation of lattice

Uniform - No change in size

Varying - Changes in size

Normal and Uniform

Lattice structure have same size and same angle

Normal and Varying

Lattice strucuture having varying size but same angle

Bend and Uniform

Lattice structure haviing same size but different angles

Bend and Variable

Lattice structure having different size and different angle

Github Repository

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