DEV Community

Adejumo Ahmad
Adejumo Ahmad

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Zuri Internship Training [Goals and Achievement]

In this article i will be highlighting what my goals are and what i would like to achieve during the Zuri Internship Training program as a frontend developer which is going to be conducted for 8 weeks, to know more about the internship or to apply you can click Here.


  • Learn new skills such as communication skills and also learning or getting to know more about frontend technologies such as react.
  • Build my resume which will be handy whenever i encounter a potential employer in the future.
  • Meet New Contacts.
  • And also Get that T-shirt.

Below are few tutorials that helped me and might also help you too 👇👇👇.

Figma tutorial by Dev Ed and Brad Traversy

GIT tutorial by Mosh Hamedani

HTML tutorial by Mosh Hamedani

Python tutorial for beginners by Mosh Hamedani

Thanks for taking your time to read and i look forward to sharing my experiences every stage i go in this program with you guys, thanks Zuri Team for giving me this opportunity.

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