In HTML and CSS, we use a lot colors for web development. We give colors to the heading, the body, the content, the text, etc. I found some of the necessary colors for Web Dev. They are listed below :
- AntiqueWhite - #FAEBD7
- Aqua - #00FFFF
- Aquamarine - #7FFFDF
- Bisque - #FFF4C4
- BlueViolet - #8A2BE2
- Brown - #A52A2A
- CadetBlue - #5F9EA0
- Coral - #FF7F50
- CornSilk - #FFF8DC
- Crimson - #DC143C
- Cyan - #00FFFF
- DarkBlue - #00008B
- DarkCyan - #008B8B
- DarkGreen - #006400
- DarkMagenta - #8B008B
- DarkRed - #8B0000
- DarkSeaGreen - #8FBC8F
- DarkTurquoise - #00CED1
- DarkViolet - #9400D3
- DarkPink/DeepPink - #FF1493
- DarkSkyBlue - #00BFFF
- ForestGreen - #228B22
- Gold - #FFD700
- Gray - #808080F
- Green - #008000
- GreenYellow - #ADFF2F
- IndianRed - #CD5C5C
- Indigo - #4B0082
- Lavendar - #E6E6FA
- LawnGreen - #7CFC00
- LightBlue - #ADD8E6
- LightCyan - #E0FFFF
- LightGreen - #90EE90
- LightSeaGreen - #20B2AA
- Lime - #00FF00
- Maroon - #800000
- MediumBlue - #0000CD
- MistyRose - FFE4E1
- Navy - #000080
- Orange - #FFA500
- PaleGreen - #98FB98
- Pink - #FFC0CB
- PowderBlue - #B0E0E6
- Purple - #800080
- Red - #FF0000
- RoyalBlue - #41699E1
- SeaGreen - #2E8B57
- Silver - #C0C0C0
- SkyBlue - #87CEEB
- SpringGreen - #00FF7F
- Violet - #EE82EE
- WhiteSmoke - #F5F5F5
- Yellow - #FFFF00
- YellowGreen - #9ACD32
- SteelBlue - #4682B4
- Teal - #008080
- Olive - #808000
- RebeccaPurple - #663399
- Sienna - #A0522D
- DarkSlateBlue - #483D8B
There are so many more colours other than this, these are some handpicked ones. Follow for more amazing contents like this. Contents will be uploaded everyday.
Happy C{}ding
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