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Javascript Template Engines Benchmark (2024)


Javascript Template Engine Benchmark Results


Template engines have long been a cornerstone of web development, enabling developers to dynamically generate HTML using logic and data. As the landscape of JavaScript library and framework options has expanded, so too has the variety of template engines available. This article explores the performance characteristics of several popular JavaScript template engines through rigorous benchmarking.

What tested

The primary goal of a template engine is to separate the presentation layer from the business logic, making it easier to manage and maintain code. Given the rapid evolution of web applications and the intensive demands placed upon them, performance is a critical consideration. To help you make an informed decision, we will benchmark a selection of contemporary template engines:

  1. Eta.js
  2. Liquid.js
  3. Handlebars
  4. Nunjucks
  5. EJS
  6. Edge.js



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