DEV Community

Enock Omondi
Enock Omondi

Posted on

Looking for project ideas.

Hello folks, I am a beginner web developer and I am looking for project ideas that I can build and get myself a job. Would you please suggest a project that you used to land a tech job or that can be good for a portfolio.
Thank you in advance.

Top comments (19)

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hey there! As a moderator of DEV and member of the Forem team, I just wanted to let you know that adding the #help tag to this post could help surface it to those who are actively seeking to answer questions like this! I recommend swapping our your #portfolio tag with the help tag. :)

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)
devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thank you, I'll update the post

heyazhar profile image

Hello, welcome to the DEV world!
From an employer perspective build E-Commerce websites, CRM, CMS, LMS. That's all you're also gonna be doing in real life job. Start now, so that you'll be ready to work with such projects and algorithms.
All the best πŸ₯‚

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thank you so much. This is what i expected from this post.

heyazhar profile image

Always there 🀜 πŸ€›

itscasey profile image
Casey πŸ’Ž

Hey there, do you currently have a portfolio with any projects?

Do you want to focus on the front-end or back-end?

If so, a pretty common one would be to build something that uses an API, think weather web app or Unsplash client.

You could even get some projects under your belt by using designs from dribbble and recreating them

Let us know what you build!

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Link to my portfolio:

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Hello there! If you are looking for project ideas I’ve written on my blog before some ideas beginners can start with and what each idea can help you improve. You can read it here:

Let me know if you have any questions or need additional help.

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thank you so much for the resource.

aminarria profile image
Amin Arria

Yesterday we did a brainstorming session on Cassidy's stream about projects:

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thanks for this.

programmingdecoded profile image
Philip Perry

Hi, I just started a side-project for a simple language learning game. While I'm mostly doing it as a hobby and learning unfamiliar technologies, I would also be happy to use it as a portfolio. For me language learning is a hobby... I'd choose something that interests you as that will keep you interested rather than creating another to-do app.

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Hi too. This sounds great. I have a few on my portfolio and I hope to get more done out of creativity. Thank you

joaom123 profile image
JoΓ£o Rocha

It's a frontend project? If so you can use

max236 profile image

build a imdb clone using
or you can build a pastebin, url shortner clone

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Thanks. Okay jΓΊst to ask, what is the depth of a project that can help someone to land a job as a frontend developer?

lexmarie790 profile image

if youre looking for frontend projects, you should check out
they have a range of free projects available

devenock profile image
Enock Omondi

Sure. The only problem is that there are only a few meetups organized here in Kenya. I'll try and check the repo. Thank you