DEV Community

Ana Klaric for Devot

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Pros & Cons of Git Worktrees

One might wonder why you would use multiple Git worktrees if you can switch between branches and stash it whenever you change something?

Let me guide you through the enchanting world of Git worktrees within a Git repository. We'll unravel the mysteries of how they differ from conventional branching strategies and shed light on their potential to revolutionize our workflow.

What are the advantages of Git worktrees?

1. Parallel development
Worktrees enable developers to work on multiple branches simultaneously without the overhead of switching contexts in the same directory.

2. Simplified context switching
They reduce the need for stashing or committing work-in-progress changes to switch branches, making context switching seamless and less error-prone.

3. Isolated experimentation
Worktrees offers a sandbox environment for experimenting with new features or bug fixes without affecting the main or other development branches.

4. Enhanced code review process
You can easily check out and test different pull requests or branches in separate directories, improving the efficiency of the code review process.

What are the disadvantages of Git worktrees?

1. Disk space consideration
Each worktree is a full checkout of a repository branch, which can use considerable disk space, especially in large projects.

2. Complexity for new users
Worktrees can introduce complexity for those new to Git, requiring a deeper understanding of Git's internals to manage effectively.

3. Potential for confusion
Managing multiple directories can lead to confusion, especially in large projects with many branches.

But to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of Git worktrees, you should know what the best practices of using it are. You can organize your workspace or monitor disk space.
To read more about practical applications and considerations for Git worktrees, take a look at our blog.

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