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Getting Started With QuickNode

QuickNode is a powerful Web3 developer platform trusted by teams of all sizes to build and scale blockchain applications. With instant access to 23+ chains, along with a suite of developer tools, QuickNode empowers you to bring your dApp vision to life. Discover how to harness the full potential of QuickNode and create the dApp of your dreams!

The Rise of Web3 and DeFi
Web3 developers are riding the wave of the decentralized finance (DeFi) revolution, leveraging Ethereum and other blockchains to build innovative dApps. Ethereum, in particular, has become a thriving ecosystem with countless use cases emerging daily. However, building on Ethereum comes with infrastructure and setup challenges, making the process less straightforward. That's where QuickNode steps in to streamline your development experience.

Introducing QuickNode

Blockchain development not only requires a specific type of node but also demands ongoing monitoring and maintenance, diverting your focus from building your product. Recognizing these pain points, QuickNode was designed to simplify the process and enable Web3 developers to concentrate on what matters most: building great dApps.

Say Goodbye to Node Hassles
Running your own Ethereum node can be a daunting task with various challenges, including:

1️⃣ Space: Storing an entire copy of the ledger can consume substantial SSD storage space, bandwidth, and time, all of which have associated costs.
2️⃣ Time: Syncing with Ethereum MainNet can take days, depending on your connection speed, hindering development progress.
3️⃣ Security / Maintenance: Node clients require meticulous monitoring to address memory leaks, bugs, and disk issues, along with the responsibility of ensuring your own security.
4️⃣ Disaster Recovery: Infrastructure failures like node crashes and database corruptions can lead to significant downtime, taking weeks to recover from.

Unlock the Power of QuickNode

QuickNode offers a distributed global network of high-performance nodes, delivering consistent support and performance regardless of your location. Here's what QuickNode brings to the table:

1️⃣ High Speed: QuickNode is engineered to be the fastest Web3 provider, ensuring your apps are not only easy to build and scale but also faster and more reliable for a seamless user experience.
2️⃣ Multi-chain Support: With support for 19 chains, including Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Solana, and more, QuickNode allows you to build on multiple networks effortlessly.
3️⃣ QuickAlerts: QuickNode introduces QuickAlerts, enables on-chain activity tracking in real time. Say goodbye to 24/7 server polling or WebSocket listening and embrace real-time event discovery and notification. Learn more about QuickAlerts!
4️⃣ Multiple Testnet Support: QuickNode accommodates major testnets and devnets, providing developers with the flexibility to test applications on their preferred network. Need testnet tokens? QuickNode has a faucet!
5️⃣ Archive Nodes: QuickNode offers archive nodes that maintain a full copy of the ledger, essential for businesses leveraging blockchain analysis and research. Dive deeper into QuickNode archive nodes!
6️⃣ Multi-Client Support: QuickNode supports popular Ethereum clients like Geth and Erigon, automatically routing requests to the most optimal client for optimal performance.
7️⃣ Marketplace: Explore QuickNode's marketplace, a universe of infrastructure add-ons that supercharge your dApp development. Discover the possibilities!

Getting Started with QuickNode

Let's kickstart your journey with QuickNode and experience the seamless process of spinning up your own blockchain node in just a matter of minutes:

Step 1: Head over to and create your account. Don't forget to verify your email address to get started.


Step 2: Choose the Plan that suits your needs.

QuickNode Plan

Step 3: Generate your endpoint to connect to the blockchain network.

Chain & Network Select

Congratulations! Your node will be up and running in no time.

Endpoint Management Dashboard

To integrate QuickNode into your dApp

You can follow the steps below using JavaScript and Node:

  • Install the web3 library:

$ npm install web3

  • Create a test script that retrieves the most recent block number from the Ethereum blockchain. Save the script as "index.js" and execute it using the following command:
var Web3 = require('web3');
var provider = 'ADD_YOUR_ETHEREUM_NODE_URL';
var web3Provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(provider);
var web3 = new Web3(web3Provider);
web3.eth.getBlockNumber().then((result) => {
console.log("Latest Ethereum Block is ",result);
$ node index.js
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The output of the script should resemble the following:

Latest Ethereum Block is 11223600

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed and connected to your Ethereum node in just a few minutes.

To explore more languages and frameworks, navigate to the QuikStarts tab on your node's URL in the dashboard. There you'll find additional guides on how to leverage QuickNode with your dApp.

For an extensive collection of guides, tutorials, insights, and best practices for Web3 developers, visit the QuickNode Guides page.

Tools & Features

The QuickNode Marketplace serves as an "App Store" for Web3 and Blockchain tools. It enables you to perform various tasks, such as retrieving an Ethereum wallet balance through the RPC API and enhancing the data with real-time token prices using the CoinGecko add-on, all through a single API endpoint. Explore the Marketplace and consider adding your own app to expand its offerings. Learn more about this feature and its benefits.

QuickNode Marketplace


EtherFlow is an Open-Source Software (OSS) designed to assist users in composing RPC calls, testing, and debugging their nodes. Discover more about EtherFlow and its functionalities by!


Node Metrics

The Metrics tab provides real-time information about the latest network block, the usage of method calls (both used and remaining), the client utilized by your node, and a graphical representation of all the method calls performed using your node. It offers a comprehensive overview of your node's performance and activity.

Node Metrics


In the Security tab, you have the ability to configure token-based authentication, adjust JWT settings, specify the referrer whitelist, and set the domain mask. These options provide enhanced security features for your node, giving you control over access and authentication settings.

QuickNode Webhooks


With QuickNode, you can easily set up a QuickAlerts for your node, offering enhanced flexibility for event listeners and other functionalities. QuickAlerts are commonly utilized in Web2 applications, and QuickNode provides comprehensive support for integrating them into your workflow. For more information on QuickAlerts and how to leverage QuickNode's capabilities, visit the QuickAlerts page.



In the Billing section, you can conveniently track your resource usage, view upcoming bills and invoices, and make necessary adjustments to your plan. This ensures transparency and control over your billing information within QuickNode.

QuickNode Customer Service

Customer Service

With a paid QuickNode subscription, you gain access to our dedicated team of Web3, platform, and billing experts who are committed to providing exceptional customer service. Whether you need assistance, have questions, or require technical support, we're here to help. Engage with the vibrant community on our Discord channel, open a ticket for prompt email support, or enjoy VIP live chat through Slack and Telegram. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're determined to ensure you receive the support you need.


QuickNode simplifies the process of running a Blockchain node, allowing developers to concentrate on building amazing dApps without the complexities of DevOps and NodeOps. With QuickNode, you can save precious time and eliminate the burdens of node maintenance, synchronization, and other infrastructure concerns. It's a valuable tool designed by developers for developers, empowering you to bring your dApps to market swiftly and seamlessly. Explore the comprehensive Guides section on the QuickNode website for more detailed information and resources.

Require assistance with your project or have inquiries? Feel free to reach out to us through this form, connect with us on Twitter @QuickNode, or ping us on Discord! We're here to help and support you every step of the way.

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