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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on March 22, 2024

Hey folks! 😀 It's Friday again. Hope y'all have had a good week! 🙌 Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplis...
michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

My win this week was my birthday. I had an amazing day with friends. Also, I updated my LinkedIn account and planned my studies on Notion. This week solidified my vision for my future. I aim to become a full-stack developer this year and secure a job in the field. I'm confident it will happen.

Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to the community. Everyone here is so kind and supportive. You all make me feel welcome and enthusiastic about what the future holds. Thank you so much!

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Happy b-day!! @_michellemello hope you got a wonderful future! Jah Bless

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank you so much!!!

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darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Your welcome sista!

sucodelarangela profile image
Angela Caldas

Happy b-day!

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank youuu!!!

skyloft7 profile image

DEV is a one of a kind place. Happy late B-day lol, I'm rooting for you :)

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Yes, it's an amazing place. Thank you so much!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woohoo!! Happy bday, Michelle. 🎂

And as for becoming a full-stack dev, you totally got this! Excited to see ya make it happen. 🙌 😀

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank you so much! It's so amazing to have all this support!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Happy birthday!

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank youu!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Happy birthday! 🥳🎈

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank youuu!!

steeve profile image

Happy Birthday Michelle, I'm glad to hear you found your way! Cheers 🍻

michellesanseverino profile image
Michelle Sanseverino

Thank you so much!!

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Happy birthday! (I'm a bit late, sorry).

steeve profile image

Hi there 👋 I started writing articles for 30 days on RiotJS and creating a production application. I consider Riot the simplest and most performant JS front-end we can create, but it is poorly documented on the Internet.

✅ Fourth day done:

English is not my native language. Hopefully, my writing methodology will improve and get faster.

Thanks and have a good Friday!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awesome stuff, Steeve! I checked out your post and your writing is great. And, like you said, the more you write in English, the more comfortable you'll become with it and the better you'll get.

On that note, we have loads of folks in our community who are from different parts of the world and English is not their first language. I think there are many people like you on DEV who are practicing writing in English here and improving with every article. So, please keep on writing, you're doing good work and in friendly company here.

And BTW, if you'd like to write in Frenc too, please feel free to go for it! You can always post 2 copies of your articles (one in each language) if you want. I've seen many folks do that, for instance @jmfayard, and sometimes people will add language tags like #french. Anyway, don't feel like you have to do any of that, but just to let you know that you can if you wanna!

steeve profile image
Steeve • Edited

Thanks for your kind message and amazing support @michaeltharrington !

I will definitely continue my writing practice, my end goal in a couple of weeks is to write scripts for tutorial videos in English (speaking in front of a camera is a big step).

I noted your tips about writing in french too, I'll translate my Riot articles when I'm done :)

Thanks again and have a great day!

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jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Super, bon courage !

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steeve profile image

Merci Jean-Michel!

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Do your best bro! Me too... just do it!

steeve profile image

Ahah thanks! keep it up writing bro 💪

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darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

That's a good energy!!! Your welcome bro 🤟

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

30 days? That a challenge! 😎🚀

ssukhpinder profile image
Sukhpinder Singh • Edited

If cupcakes aren't your jam, I've cooked up a burger that'll make your taste buds throw a party! Juicy beef, melty cheese, and crispy veggies all in one glorious bite. It's like a flavor explosion that'll leave you craving more!

Designed using CSS & HTML as a part of DEV challenge.
Image description

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Gahhh, here you go showing me that delicious looking CSS burger and making me hungry again, haha. What can I say? You know us Americans love our burgers, hahaha! 🍔

ssukhpinder profile image
Sukhpinder Singh

Haha, my apologies for the burger temptation! Maybe we should start a new coding rule: for every line of CSS, you earn a burger bite. Imagine how deliciously efficient our code would become! 🍔💻

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Hahaha! You might be on to something there. Maybe call it Burger Bytes or Byte to Eat and you could have other snacks too! 🍔🍟🍦🌮🥙

We should create a little CSS restaurant to house all the different CSS snack creations folks have been submitting. Maybe that could be Byte to Eat haha!

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ssukhpinder profile image
Sukhpinder Singh

LOlz :D :D Nice business idea

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Frontend Challenge launch has been really great. We also started experimenting with some partner live streams here and there, and they also have gone over well. Good stuff to add to community vibes 😊

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Only good things! 🥳🕺

sucodelarangela profile image
Angela Caldas

After my career transition, I've been working for almost a year on my first job as a front-end developer. Yesterday I have received official feedback from the Performance Management and it was very positive and I'll receive a bonus for my performance in 2023. I am really really glad with everything that happened to me this past year ♥

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh heck yeah! Major congrats, Angela. What a nice surprise and I'm sure it was well deserved. 🙌

sucodelarangela profile image
Angela Caldas

Thanks, Michael! <3

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Awesome! 🥳

sucodelarangela profile image
Angela Caldas


darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Sound cool @sucodelarangela and you will got more bonus!

sucodelarangela profile image
Angela Caldas

Yeah, very happy news

akashpattnaik profile image
Akash Pattnaik

My win this week was to finally start a new project that is kind of a code-completion AI but everything from scratch including the models but this will be used to build full scale apps not just small code snippets.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh wow! That sounds comprehensive. Awesome stuff, Akash. 🙌

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

I just build a TursoSyncd

GitHub logo darkterminal / turso-syncd

Turso Database Background Sync in the Background

~ TursoSyncd ~

Turso Dabatabase Background Sync in the Background


Globally Install

composer global require darkterminal/turso-syncd
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

or you can install locally within your porject:

composer require darkterminal/turso-syncd
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


turso-syncd --database=<database_name> --organization=<organization_name> --token=<token> [--file_recorder=<file>] [--action_log_file=<file>] [--errors_log_file=<file>]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • --database=<database_name> or -d: The name of the database.
  • --organization=<organization_name> or -o: The name of the organization.
  • --token=<token> or -t: The token for authentication.
  • --file_recorder=<file>: Specify file recorder.
  • --action_log_file=<file>: Specify action log file.
  • --errors_log_file=<file>: Specify errors log file.
  • --help: Display this help message.

And creating my own selfish HTMX DataTable

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow! I must admit that this goes a bit above my head as a mostly nontechnical person, but this looks dope. Good stuff, Imam!

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Your welcome!! 🐣

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Thank you broo...

adriens profile image

I re-contextualized the following datastorytelling for the enterprise I'm working fo. My goal was to show peoplewhat could be achieved with a global datacentric approach around :

  • strategic corporate goals
  • People
  • Applications
  • Datasets

Essentially, I've used UN SDGs as a metaphore.

And the benefits that may come out of this, like answering complex questions with chatBots:

arndom profile image
Nabil Alamin

I finally finished my first astro project:

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Ooow Astro ❤️
I like the theme!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Booyahh! 👻

And wow, this is a beautiful site. Loving the VHS kinda look for a horror site. You rocked it, Nabil!

iamak profile image
Ajithkumar P S

Deployed a new feature to production with full of teams effort. Also a wake-up call to plan properly before making anything.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


carlarjenkins profile image

Here are my wins for this week:

  • Just finished my first-round Azure Cloud Security Architect panel interview
  • Scheduled a in-person testing appointment at my workforce development center
  • Completed a Microsoft 365 Cloud Skills Challenge
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Congrats on a good week, Carla! 🙌

Hope that the next stage of that interview goes well for ya. Same for the in-person testing appointment. You got this!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Better skills with Nuxt. I've also got out of my hellish loop, and what's more, the weather outside is too nice and sunny ☀️. It's great for morale! 🙌🕺

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wooohoo! Sounds like a nice, successful week. Taking it to the Nuxt level, I see! Totaly dad joke... 🤪

Since you're not gonna say it yourself, I also wanna just call out all the uplifting, positive comments you've been sharing to folks across DEV. The sunny weather ain't the only thing that's great for morale... you've brightened so many folks days with your friendly attitude and kind comments. You really rock, Thomas!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Your message means a lot for me Michael, sincerely. 💜

Not the best week, but I must admit that I've taken more time over certain things and I'm starting to enjoy reading again while being in a calm environment! 📚

And as long as I can share positive messages around me, I will! 💜🙌

programcrafter profile image

I have challenged myself to create a ML project, and I think it will have a great impact!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh wow! This sounds so freaking cool. So you're gonna try and build something that predicts Olympians' score? What an awesome concept! Nice and timely too. I'd love to read about that.

programcrafter profile image

Not international Olympic games in sports, to be precise, rather olympiads in mathematics, informatics and other science fields.

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programcrafter profile image

For sports, athletes rarely participate in that many kinds of games that it would be worth cross-checking their performance and using one sport to predict another.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Ooooo, my bad! That totally makes sense. That's still super cool.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Last night I turned in my final project for my next-to-last class in my master's program. The final class will just be a massive project I conduct on my own and I'm not worried about it, so I now feel like I'm on the happy side of getting my master's in data analytics. This class had a dark souls difficulty level associated with it. I need a 26% or higher on this project to keep my 4.0 intact.

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

This week, I successfully fixed a tricky bug that had been causing issues in our system. It took some detective work to identify the root cause and then implement a solution, but now everything is running smoothly again.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good stuff, Fatemah! Gotta love it when you get to the bottom of an issue like that. Sounds like some nice sleuthing on your part! 🕵️

tuanxt profile image

Fix a big bug
Created a group for my district where i was born

devmariodiaz profile image
Mario Diaz

I keept learning Next.js ❤️❤️❤️❤️

raphaelproject001 profile image
Rafael Barbosa da Silva

Much good!

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper • Edited

I hosted a brainstorming session about #fedidevs at Fediforum, and I was surprised, but happy, to make it into The New Stack as a result.

FediForum Showcases New Fediverse Apps and Developer Network - The New Stack

At FediForum, new fediverse apps were demo'ed to an active community of open source advocates. Also discussed, the Fediverse Developer Network.

matthewdlr profile image
Matthieu Delarue

This week, I replaced a classic algorithm I made with machine learning using tensorflow. I never done ml before so it was quite unnerving.
I'm gonna soon release this change in my extension, if ever ur interested.

erickim profile image
Eric Kim

Personally, I fixed one of the errors I was having with my free fall simulation code. I had it for at least two months, and I was finally able to fix it. Turns out it was a minor problem with the calculation function.