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Jess Lee Subscriber for The DEV Team

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What was your win this week?


Reflect on your week -- what's something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cooking a special meal 🍳

animated chefs kiss

Happy Friday!

Top comments (46)

queazyg profile image
Quinton Greene

I helped my dad drive across country to move and we stopped by some family who I hadn't seen in over a decade.

One of my relatives who is 12 and who I've never really met has been getting into scratch and JavaScript recently. I didn't know this until that night.

He saw me catching up on some of my work and started asking me about some stuff so we just sat and talked for almost 4-5 hours about computers, software, and math.

I found out later from his dad that no one really knows/talks about computers a ton around him and he's suffered from some loneliness because of that.

Apparently he has been so much happier since that conversation. I didn't really think much about it at the time because I was just chatting about my work but now after the fact I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to help a young developer know that there are people just as enthusiastic about computers as he is.

That's the biggest win I'm going to have all week and probably all year!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Aw wow, that is wonderful. It can be so impactful for kids to have adults in their life model their areas of interest. Great job! Glad it all came naturally :)

jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah

Thanks, on behalf of him. I remember that lonely feeling.

ohuton55 profile image
Yuuka Kumai

It really warmed my heart!

i-0110 profile image

I love that! Kids need us, adults, to be a good model. Especially, what they are interested in.

jagedn profile image

I have released version 0.1.1 of nf-nomad, a #nextflow plugin to execute bioinformatics pipeline using Nomad from Hashicorp

neurabot profile image
Neurabot • Edited

Wow. Can you explain me your task ? i don't understand anything.

jagedn profile image

Nextflow is an open source workflow orchestator used principally by bioinformatics

You can execute your pipelines in aws, google cloud, azure etc. I friend of mine propouse to me create a plugin to integrate it in Nomad

Nomad is similar to kubernetes but more simple and light, so is perfect to be used in countries/companies with low budge as Africa.

Thread Thread
neurabot profile image


eshimischi profile image

Just unpacked my new macbook m3 pro. The flight is departing, please fasten your seatbelts

jess profile image
Jess Lee


aratinau profile image
Aymeric Ratinaud
jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah

Cool. I'm just wondering if there's a French programming language, or you always have to code in English.

blaisep profile image
Blaise Pabon

Yes, is a dialect of Python which you can translate so the keywords are in French (or any other language, Arabic, for example)

aratinau profile image
Aymeric Ratinaud

It's easier if everyone codes in English so everyone can understand ;)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

I got a second computer so I don't need to lug my laptop back and forth to the office anymore. A quality of life improvement!

jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah


codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

There's a person who runs a popular youtube channel. I tried to connect to that person multiple times over years to be a guest speaker on said channel. Nothing. Asked for introductions. Nothing. Gave up on that two years or ago.

Yesterday out of the blue that person wrote to me and invited me to speak at said channel. Weird but cool, will be speaking there at the end of the month.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Ha, funny how things like that work out sometimes!

adriens profile image

I asked an autonomous AI to :

  1. Learn to send sms by itself from my own laptop
  2. Compose and send sms for me
  3. Overcome errors when they occur

Below the full storytelling :

djsmk123 profile image
Md. Mobin • Edited

Started a fun project called roast my resume which use gemini with good amount of work on prompting.
Got huge success, from last 3 day 150k+ reads on database and 2k+ write response.

Checkout here

neurabot profile image

Eager to see results. Waiting for them.

isaiahwp profile image

Late comment. This is a really small win (probably worthless). I finally finished Classic mode (roguelike Pokemon). It took blood, sweat and tears to finally get that win (also using META). Fun Fact: The game is open source and made with TypeScript. Pokerogue repo

I can finally focus more on improving my programming skills. I have to resume posting too.


ezpieco profile image

Just published about a real toxic topic, clean code

Image description

Check it out here. It sure is toxic!

skywarth profile image

There is two actually!

  1. Created a new post about my openAI prober package:
  2. I became a trusted member:
jyoung4242 profile image
Justin Young • Edited

another week, and i successfully published another article, and I'm pretty jazzed about it!

The article is about auto-tiling in game development.

Also, thanks for this weekly success post, it's truly motivating!!!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Had an enjoyable 4th of July day off

jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah

Great. With family, friends or food?

sheraz4194 profile image
Sheraz Manzoor

Ah, this week was superb. I created profile on on Jun 27th and published my first article on the same day.
The first article gained me a 200 followers.
But then I published my second blog on Jun 29. It was actual win. I got almost 500 views in the first week of this blog.
Totally I published 3 articles currently and have 563 views totally and 779 followers the time when I am posting this comment.

This was the blog which made me proud: Basic Differences Between SSR and SSG

You can check other blogs as well:

xaviour_90 profile image

Great Achievement Dude!!

smits profile image

just enjoyed the company of some books and good music.
started new project to stream content locally.
read couple of articles from

I think that's all.. wasn't a productive week for me but meh! a win is a win.

trkaplan profile image
Tuncay Kaplan

Then where is a book name and a music link :)