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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on June 21, 2024

πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small πŸŽ‰ Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
salladshooter profile image

Started working on my website for the next big update for my Python Web Framework phyal!
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thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Woah, that's impressive! Congrats!

heyeasley profile image
heyeasley πŸ“πŸ₯­


jyoung4242 profile image
Justin Young

My big win is my new article on Cellular Automata at:

horaceshmorace profile image
Horace Nelson • Edited

Absolutely fantastic article. I got obsessed with cellular automata a few years back and did some experiments on Codepen:

jyoung4242 profile image
Justin Young

Awesome links, thanks!!!

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Woah! What a great article, congrats, Justin!

jyoung4242 profile image
Justin Young

Thank you so much!

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Articles like yours make DEV a special place to learn and share on the internet. Keep doing your great job and never stop writing!

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

This week was rough for me, it was full of unforeseen events like a PC without access to the graphic system, my laptop with the screen with occasional glitch effect, my vision being affected by conjunctivitis, sore throat, accumulated uni content, and stagnant projects... So, I believe that my win this week is surviving. I'm sure I'll have a lot of things to fix but everything will be calmer soon.

sojinsamuel profile image
Sojin Samuel

I'm sure you'll fight through it

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

Thanks, Sojin! I'm doing my best to keep myself calm and to break every problem in smaller parts for better solutions

adriens profile image

I managed to publish an article that shows how easy we can now send sms from the www to New-Caledonia :

It's the achievement of a whole teamwork and patient work. The team is really very excited about that. Now, I'll be able to build some cool tweeks around it ;-p

jeanj14 profile image

I was able to make my website responsive enough on desktop on mobile. it's essentially just a simple web calculator that i made from watching a youtube video. styling it was such a pain.

you can check it out with this link

sojinsamuel profile image
Sojin Samuel

Not yet, cooking something. let you know on 25th

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

We'll be waiting for that, Sojin!

sojinsamuel profile image
Sojin Samuel

thats so nice of you to say that

montyharper profile image
Monty Harper

I was able to get back to work on the calendar app I made for my mom after a long time dealing with other things. I fixed a big bug and added a nice feature.

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

That's what progress is about! Congrats, Monty!

skyloft7 profile image

I'm trying to finish my first "real" game. I've got a 2D OpenGL renderer so far and I've discovered the magic of glShaderBinary() and SPIR-V, which I already used in Vulkan but man it makes GL stuff easier (and more standardized!)

darkwiiplayer profile image
π’ŽWii πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

I made curry. I twas good.

pomis172 profile image
Roman Ismagilov

Wrote my longest yet article Mastering Shapes and Clipping in Flutter

tannakartikey profile image
Kartikey Tanna

I successfully migrated the database of my SaaS app, eKard, to a new server. This upgrade has significantly improved the application's performance, allowing it to handle increased traffic at a much lower cost. My app is built with Ruby on Rails and deployed using Kamal on DigitalOcean.

horaceshmorace profile image
Horace Nelson • Edited

I wrote an article I've been thinking about for a while on the different contexts in which we all work and to which we must learn how to allocate our time and effort: the technical, the tactical, the strategic, and the political.

ezpieco profile image

Well my win is small, but hey it's a start. I have managed to get 10 users for Lambda, my solution to privacy concerns in social media app. Lambda is the world's first ever open-source and privacy base social media app.

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mlr profile image
  • Fixed a major UI navigation bug at work with two lines of code.
  • Completed Professional Scrum Master training class.
  • Made progress towards MVP for my mobile budgeting app using MAUI Blazor Hybrid.
syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza
ezilemdodana profile image
Ezile Mdodana

This week I started a Spring Boot API that I was supposed to start last week but I found myself doing a whole lot ofother stuff. This week I started and made a lot of progress!

stokry profile image

Reaching 500 people on the waiting list for my project :-)

heyeasley profile image
heyeasley πŸ“πŸ₯­

Visit some importants tools here to build projects.
Debug some tricks to harness Javascript in my webapp.

adityaoberai profile image
Aditya Oberai
codingwithburak profile image

I deployed the weather app I was working on
if anyone wants to check out