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Dhairya Shah
Dhairya Shah

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Best programming tools for every beginner

Hello Folks πŸ‘‹

What's up friends, this is SnowBit here. I am a young passionate and self-taught developer and have an intention to become a successful developer.

Today, I am here with a cool list of tools that every newbie should use.

Coding and Hosting -


  • It is an online platform where you as a new developer can code in different languages and frameworks (JavaScript, React, Python).
  • You can even collaborate in real-time with your friend/mate just like in Google Docs.
  • It also works as a hosting platform, your site deploys with a unique URL that works as a live preview for your site and even you can share it.
  • You can even try for Glitch and Codepen

Sites to learn

It is the best platform to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React and many more.

The cool thing about Scrimba is its interactive screencast, basically, you get to teach in a live code editor where you can edit the code whenever you wish. It's hard to explain check out their demo, you'll love it: Scrimba Demo

Design - Figma

It is the best tool for designers to collaborate UI/UX design. Nothing to say more try once πŸ™‚.

Testing APIs - Insomnia

Postman is a popular tool for testing APIs, but it looks a bit complicated for a newbie. Try giving a chance on Insomnia which has a very simple and well-designed interface. Here, you can perform GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests.

Coding Challenges - Codewars

To sharpen your skills, master them and learn new tricks to keep up with competent programmers, there is where Codewars comes in.
It provides various small tests in almost common computer languages. Tests are categorized on the basis of difficulty level. It is fun to solve them.


So, this was a quick list of programming tools for every beginner. If you know some more tools, feel free to share them in comments

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!
Your appreciation is my motivation 😊

Cover Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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