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Did I learn it? #2

Programmed-define type: Struct

It's been a week, so a new post for DILI. That's what I'll call this from now on because it has a ring to it! Anyways, you might be wondering, where's part 2 for scoped enumerations. Well ... it's kinda the same the, but simply better. So, struct it is. To go in specific wouldn't be fun, would it? So I'll leave a link if you want to get a good look at the concept with Alex.

Different from any other data types that I've learnt until now, struct is a powerhouse ... for management. It can house different data types in it: int, double, string, .... Sounds underwhelming but when you're faced with huge amount of information for one entity like a person's ID, you will be so happy that this exist. A few dozens variables can just be compacted into a few shorter lines.

But imagine what you might be able to do with this. I've said something simiar before in the enumeration posts but when I actually attemped to do something like a Hotel Management System, I ultimately failed (Most likely my bren is not good enough). But with this, voilà:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

struct Hotel
    string name{};
    string phoneNumber{};
    string DOB{};
    bool booked{};

Hotel roomNum[10];
int a = 0;
int rNo;

void checkRooms()
    cout << "Rooms are available if 0 are shown and book if 1 are shown:\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        cout << "Room " << i << ")" << roomNum[i].booked << "\n\n ";

void bookRoom ()
    cout << "Which room would you like to book ? (Type a number) \n";
    cin >> rNo;
    if (!roomNum[rNo].booked){
    roomNum[rNo].booked = true;
        cout << "What is your name? \n";
        cin >> roomNum[rNo].name;
        cout << "What is your phone number? \n";
        cin >>  roomNum[rNo].phoneNumber;
        cout << "What is your DOB? \n";
        cin >> roomNum[rNo].DOB;
        cout << "You have book Room " << rNo << " sucessfully!\n\n";
        cout << "This room is already booked. Please try again!\n\n";

void checkInfo()
    cout << "Which room would you like to check ? (Type a number) \n";
    cin >> rNo;
    if (roomNum[rNo].booked){
        cout << "Room " << rNo <<"'s info:\n";
        cout << "Name: " << roomNum[rNo].name <<"\n";
        cout << "Phone number: " << roomNum[rNo].phoneNumber <<"\n";
        cout << "DOB: " << roomNum[rNo].DOB <<"\n\n";
    else {
        cout << "This room is not booked yet. Please check again!\n\n";


int main()
    if (a == 0){
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
            roomNum[i].booked = false;
        a = 1;
    cout << "Type a number corresponding to an action: \n" ;
    cout << "(1) Check rooms.  (2) Book a room.   (3) Check info.   (4) Exit.\n"  ;
    int customerAction{};
    cin >> customerAction;
    if (customerAction == 1) checkRooms();
    if (customerAction == 2) bookRoom();
    if (customerAction == 3) checkInfo();
    if (customerAction == 4) return 0;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A bit clanky, I know. Like the first few lines in the function main(). And I'd like a suggestion on how should I create a built-in ordering system for food and beverages. Any advices on the code or my blog writing skills or interesting facts about anything at all are much appreciated.

Chapter 10.5-10.6

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