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Dilanka Rathnasiri
Dilanka Rathnasiri

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Delivering images in AWS S3 bucket through AWS API gateway

cover image: Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

In this article, we will talk about creating an AWS REST API as an AWS S3 proxy and delivering images in an S3 bucket through the API gateway.

What are the different ways to deliver images in the s3 bucket?

  1. Deliver images using public S3 URLs

  2. Deliver images in S3 using AWS Lambda API Gateway Integration

  3. Creating an AWS REST API as an S3 proxy

Why deliver images in the S3 bucket through the API gateway?

The simplest way to deliver images in the S3 bucket is public S3 URLs. However, the major drawback of this approach is that the S3 bucket will be public. Public cloud resources are vulnerable to attacks, and avoiding public cloud resources is a good practice.

AWS API gateway will be a public interface for most endpoints. Many security methods can be used with AWS API gateway such as IAM, request throttling, and many more.

AWS Lambda can be integrated into the AWS API gateway. Images in an S3 bucket can be delivered using a Lambda. But then we have to develop and maintain an additional Lambda function. Also, there will be an extra cost for it.

When we use AWS API Gateway REST API as an S3 proxy, we can use security features in the AWS API gateway and we do not want to maintain an additional Lambda function. Also, we can keep our S3 bucket as a private resource.

Use AWS API Gateway REST API as an S3 proxy

I explain the method using an example scenario. Also, I write this article with multiple steps for better understanding. Names and AWS regions can be changed according to the requirements. I use the new version of the AWS console (as of March 2024) in this article.

Table of content

  1. Create an IAM role for allowing API gateway to access S3 bucket objects
  2. Create an S3 bucket and upload an image
  3. Create an AWS API Gateway REST API
  4. Create REST resource
  5. Create REST method
  6. Configure method request
  7. Configure integration request
  8. Configure integration response
  9. Configure Method response
  10. Enable binary support in API Gateway

1. Create an IAM role for allowing API gateway to access S3 bucket objects

  1. Log into the AWS console
  2. Navigate to IAMRoles
  3. Click on the Create role button
  4. Select Custom trust policy as the trusted entity type
  5. Enter the following policy as the custom trust policy
           "Version": "2012-10-17",
           "Statement": [
                   "Sid": "",
                   "Effect": "Allow",
                   "Principal": {
                       "Service": ""
                   "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Click on the Next button
  2. Search for AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and select it
  3. Then Click on the Next button
  4. Enter a role name as iam-test-role
  5. Then click on the Create role button

2. Create an S3 bucket and upload an image

  1. Log into the AWS console
  2. Navigate to S3
  3. Click on the Create bucket button
  4. Select us-east-1 as the region
  5. Enter api-gw-image-test-s3 as the bucket name
  6. Leave default values for other configurations
  7. Click on the Create bucket button
  8. Create a folder named images
  9. Upload an image into the created folder

3. Create an AWS API Gateway REST API

  1. Log into your AWS console
  2. Navigate to API GatewayAPIs
  3. Click on the Create API button
  4. Click on the Build button on Rest API pane
  5. Select New API and use test-api as the name
  6. Leave default values for other configurations
  7. Then click on the Create API button

4. Create REST resource

  1. Click on the Create resource button
  2. Create a resource and create REST resource s3

5. Create REST method

  1. Click on the Create method button to create a method
  2. Choose as following
    • Method type → GET
    • Integration type → AWS service
    • AWS Region → us-east-1
    • AWS service → Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • HTTP method → GET
    • Action type → Use path override
    • Path override → api-gw-image-test-s3/images/{image}
    • Execution role → arn of the created aws role in the step (1)
  3. Leave the other options as default
  4. Click on the Create method button

6. Configure method request

  1. Select Method request tab pane
  2. Click on Edit button
  3. Expand URL query string parameters
  4. Click on Add query string button
  5. Enter image as the Name
  6. Check Required button
  7. Click on Save button

7. Configure integration request

  1. Select Integration request tab pane
  2. Click on Edit button
  3. Select When there are no templates defined (recommended) as Request body passthrough
  4. Expand URL path parameters
  5. Click on Add path parameter button
  6. Enter image as the name
  7. Enter method.request.querystring.image as the path
  8. Expand URL request headers parameters
  9. Click on Add query string parameter button
  10. Enter Accept as Name
  11. Enter '*/*' (Value should be given with single quotes) as Mapped from
  12. Click on Save button

8. Configure integration response

  1. Select Integration responses tab pane
  2. Delete Default - Response
  3. Click on Create response
  4. Enter 2\d{2} as HTTP status regex
  5. Click on Create button

9. Configure Method response

  1. Select Method responses tab pane
  2. Click on Edit button on Response 200
  3. Click on Add header button
  4. Enter Content-Type as Header name
  5. Remove Response body items
  6. Click on Save button
  7. Then again select Integration responses tab pane
  8. Click on Edit button
  9. Enter '*/*' (Value should be given with single quotes) as Mapping value of the Content-Type response header
  10. Click on Save button

10. Enable binary support in API Gateway

  1. Navigate to API settings
  2. Click on Manage media type button on Binary media types
  3. Click on Add binary media type button
  4. Enter */* as Binary media type
  5. Click on Save changes


  1. Click on Deploy API and do an API Gateway deployment
  2. Enter the invoked URI on the browser with the image query string (e.g.:
  3. Ultimately, the Image is displayed in the browser


In this article, we have discussed creating an AWS REST API as an Amazon S3 proxy and delivering images in an S3 bucket through the API gateway. We can use AWS API Gateway as a secure and cost-effective way to deliver S3 images.


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