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Dilsha vijay
Dilsha vijay

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My 100-Day DevOps Journey: Day 2 Recap

Exploring Agile, DevOps, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in Modern Software Development

Agile: Building Step by Step

Agile is like building a LEGO set one step at a time. Instead of trying to build everything at once, we break down big tasks into smaller pieces. Each piece is like a step in our plan. This helps us make sure we're building the right thing and that it works well.

Unit Testing: Just like checking each LEGO piece to make sure it fits, we use unit tests to check small parts of our code. This helps us catch problems early.
Continuous Integration: When we add new pieces to our LEGO set, we want to make sure they fit with the rest. Continuous integration helps us do this by testing our code automatically whenever we change it.

DevOps: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

DevOps is all about teamwork between developers (who write code) and operations (who manage servers and networks). Instead of working separately, they work together to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Automation: Imagine having robots that can build LEGO sets super fast without making mistakes. DevOps uses automation to speed up tasks like testing and deploying code.

Continuous Deployment is a practice in software development where every change that passes automated tests is automatically deployed to production without manual intervention.

Continuous Delivery is a similar practice where every change that passes automated tests is made ready for deployment to production, but the actual deployment to production is triggered manually.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Building with Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is like having a recipe book for building LEGO sets. Instead of building things by hand, we write down instructions in a special language. This makes it easier to build and manage our LEGO sets, or in our case, computer servers and networks.

Code-based Infrastructure: Instead of clicking buttons to set up servers, we write code that tells computers how to do it automatically.
Consistency and Scalability: By using IaC, we can build the same setup every time and make changes quickly. This helps us manage big projects and grow our systems easily.

Infrastructure as Code represents a paradigm shift in managing IT infrastructure, offering agility, scalability, and reliability through automated, codified approaches. Embracing IaC empowers teams to accelerate deployment cycles, enhance collaboration, and meet the evolving demands of modern software development.Part -2 on full on infrastructure on code deep dive

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