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What are Generics Constraints in TypeScript ? Practical Examples

Generics constraints in TypeScript allow you to create flexible yet type-safe code.

By restricting the types that can be used with generics, you can ensure your functions and classes work correctly across various scenarios.

In this guide, we'll dive into generics constraints, complete with code examples and visual aids to help you understand and implement these powerful features.


Generics in TypeScript provide the ability to create components that can work with various types while maintaining strong type safety.

However, sometimes you need to limit the types that can be used with your generics.

This is where generics constraints come in handy.

Let's explore how to use generics constraints effectively with practical examples and visual aids.

Why Use Generics Constraints?

Generics constraints help you:

  • Ensure Type Safety: By restricting the types, you can prevent runtime errors and ensure your code behaves as expected.
  • Improve Code Reusability: Create functions and classes that are flexible but still type-safe.
  • Simplify Code Maintenance: Make your code easier to understand and maintain by explicitly defining the types you expect.

Defining Generics Constraints

To define a generics constraint in TypeScript, you use the extends keyword. This allows you to specify that a type must conform to a certain structure or extend a particular type.

Example: Basic Generics Constraint

Here's a simple example where we constrain a generic type to an object with a specific property.

typescriptCopy code
interface HasId {
    id: number;

class DataManager<T extends HasId> {
    private data: T[] = [];

    add(item: T): void {;

    getItemById(id: number): T | undefined {
        return => === id);

// Usage
const manager = new DataManager<{ id: number; name: string }>();
manager.add({ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' });
console.log(manager.getItemById(1)); // { id: 1, name: 'Item 1' }

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In this example, the DataManager class is constrained to only accept types that have an id property of type number.

Visualizing Generics Constraints

To better understand how generics constraints work, let's visualize the flow with a chart.

Advanced Generics Constraints

Generics constraints can also be more complex, involving multiple constraints or using built-in types.

Example: Multiple Generics Constraints

typescriptCopy code
interface HasId {
    id: number;

interface HasName {
    name: string;

class AdvancedDataManager<T extends HasId & HasName> {
    private data: T[] = [];

    add(item: T): void {;

    getItemById(id: number): T | undefined {
        return => === id);

    getItemByName(name: string): T | undefined {
        return => === name);

// Usage
const advancedManager = new AdvancedDataManager<{ id: number; name: string; age: number }>();
advancedManager.add({ id: 1, name: 'Item 1', age: 30 });
console.log(advancedManager.getItemById(1)); // { id: 1, name: 'Item 1', age: 30 }
console.log(advancedManager.getItemByName('Item 1')); // { id: 1, name: 'Item 1', age: 30 }

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In this example, the AdvancedDataManager class is constrained to only accept types that have both id and name properties.

Practical Use Cases for Generics Constraints

Generics constraints are particularly useful in scenarios where you need to ensure that certain properties or methods exist on the types you are working with. Here are a few practical use cases:

  1. Data Management Systems: Ensure that all data objects have unique identifiers.
  2. UI Components: Constrain component props to ensure they receive the correct structure.
  3. APIs and Services: Ensure that API response types conform to expected structures.


Generics constraints in TypeScript provide a powerful way to write flexible yet type-safe code.

By restricting the types that can be used with generics, you can ensure your code works correctly and is easier to maintain.

Whether you're managing data, creating UI components, or working with APIs, generics constraints can help you build robust and reliable applications.

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between flexibility and type safety. With the right constraints, you can harness the full power of TypeScript's type system to write better code.

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