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Kouti Divine
Kouti Divine

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Learning a programming language from scratch, especially when you are new to coding can be kind of difficult when you do not have the right tools and even the right people by you to guide you.
Also, programming languages got specific task they can perform. They also have fields in which they work best.
In this article, we would be discussing on the various techniques or ways that you as a beginner in coding can use so as to make yourself more conversant with coding. To be more specific we would use python and see the various methods that we could use so as to get your self to master python.


Python is a high level general purpose programming language.

Python is one of the most fastest growing programming language. It is a language that can be used in various domains such as gamming, web development, data sciences, and even finance. Just to name a few
Python is a high level programming language. Also it is a very beginner friendly as compared to other programming languages.

Now that we know what is Python, let us look at how you can master python.
There are various aspects that we need to take into account if we need to master any programming language and not only python.

  • Determine why you wish to study that programming language

  • Learn the basics

  • Practice using various projects

  • Join a community

  • Share your knowledge

Lets discuss on the various ways that you may use if you want to master python.

1. Find why you want to learn python.

Python can be very bulky to learn if you do not have an objective or a goal in mind.
For example ; you could be passionate about web development so you could learn python so as to help you develope skills that you could use so as to build your website.
You may want to learn python for web development or even for data science or even for game development.
There are other things you could be passionate about and you could find the language that suites best to your passion and start learning that language.

2. First learn the basics.

Like in every programming language learning the basics is very important in order to master a programming language.
You need to know the basics of python if you wish to know it perfectly well. They help us understand basic concepts of the language.
you can read about python basicshere


Projects are very useful tools when you start coding. there are a variety of projects you could do. for example you like to build an app that people can use to download movies, or build a website for a restaurant and many other little or you could decide to build a calculator .It is said that The best way to learn is by practicing. Since you have already gone through the basic of python you could give your self little projects and also you could motivate your self when this project is completed. projects give you the possibility to learn more than just basics. It helps you learn more efficiently.
Also you could get your self a python roadmap.
A roadmap is a path that you follow so as to achieve your goals.
Roadmaps are very important especially when you are new to coding.

4. Join a community .

Communities are very important since they are there to encourage your every little step and achievements. Also a group of friends with whom you share the same passion can be very beneficial to you. Since you guys would work on projects that will increase your programming skills and also help you be more active.

5. Share your knowledge.

Sharing your knowledge on what you know is one of the best things you could do to yourself.

To conclude I would to give you this piece of advice
Python is a really good programming language you should learn depending on the task you would like to achieve. Reading the right books help you increase your knowledge on programming. It is important to note that programming is something we do everyday. the more you put time into it the more you learn faster.
At a start it is not advisable to spend lengthy hours on programming. You could first start by putting in one hour each day then as time goes by you should increase the number of hours. also using your free time to code could be of great help to you.

I will end by giving you the name of some websites where you can learn python

Thank you for reading. You can reach out to me through this link

Top comments (4)

brayan_kai profile image
Brayan Kai

Keep the good work up 👏👏 @divine016

divine016 profile image
Kouti Divine

Thank you

benndip profile image

Nice one here 😇🙌🏽👏🏽

divine016 profile image
Kouti Divine

Thank you