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Jeff Triplett (he/him) for Django News

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Django News #30 - New Django & Python Releases


Django bugfix releases issued: 3.0.8 and 2.2.14

Another bugfix release for Django 3.0 and 2.2. Django 3.1 comes out in August!

Python 3.7.8 and 3.6.11 released

The 3.7.8 is expected to be the last bugfix release for the 3.7.x series. Future releases will focus on security fixes.

Python Software Foundation News: 2020 Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Election Retrospective and Next Steps


Making Django App Publicly Accessible With Ngrok

Ngrok is a great way to share your local Django runserver with anyone you give the link to. It makes having demo or testing webhooks locally possible.

Python async frameworks - Beyond developer tribalism

From Tom Christie, creator of Django REST Framework, a thoughtful overview of the async Python landscape.

Store Data With Models

See how to take data and store it into a database so that your application can use that data or display it later.

How to add a .well-known URL to your Django site

A quick guide to what /.well-known/ URLs are and how to create them.

How to find what you want in the Django documentation

Many beginner programmers find the Django documentation overwhelming.

Lack of Volume Persistence in kartoza/postgis Docker Container

PostGIS on Docker with a few modifications to get persistent volumes to work right.

Manage Multiple Email Services with Django

A nice overview of how to manage multiple email services in one Django project.

Options for public facing IDs in Django

A look at various options for public IDs in Django.


How to Move a Django Model to Another App

This tutorial covers three approaches for moving a Django Model to another App.

Django Static Files

An overview of static files and how to configure them for local development and production with WhiteNoise.

Huey as a minimal task queue for Django

Huey is a popular alternative to Celery and this tutorial dives into using Huey with Django.

Bootstrapping Django App with Cognito: Personal Experience

AWS Cognito provides single sign-on (SSO) for web apps.

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Speed Up Your Django Tests

Are you bored of waiting for " test" to finish? Read this book while you wait! It has many tips and tricks that apply to all projects, big and small, and it covers both Django's test framework and pytest.


import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #2 - The Event Loop

Part two of Łukasz Langa's series on learning AsyncIO.


DjangoChat #70: Speed Up Your Django Tests with Adam Johnson

Adam is a Django Technical Board member, longtime contributor, and author of the new book Speed Up Your Django Tests. We talk all things testing in Django, performance tips, continuous integration, pytest, easy wins, optimal test structure, and more.

Productivity in Tech Podcast - A Surplus of Happy from Melanie Crutchfield

Melanie is a well-known speaker and developer in the Python / Django community.

Django Riffs - Where Does Data Go?

Learn about storing data and how Django manages data using models.



Django Markdown View allows you to treat Markdown files as Django templates.


Django Check SEO will check the SEO aspects of your site for you and will provide advice in case of problems.

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