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How do you bring formatting standards into a large project with several active developers?

Our team wants cleaner, more PEP 8 compliant code, type annotations, and leverage the advice of flake8 and mypy pointing out deficiencies. I've enabled pre-commit hooks for a couple of projects that are typically a single or two developer project, and reviewed the step-by-step changes in code review such that the two most senior engineers are content with the outcome in future usage.

But we have a larger project, with many devs (internal and external) which have branches open that a simple py-black formatting across the repo will ruffle feathers with the inevitable merge conflicts, and we don't want to naively order a full cease-fire on work for this project either.

What advice do you have or what mistakes have you experienced with trying to standardize code/editor practices in a large project with many active contributors?

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