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Scott Addie for .NET

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The .NET Docs Show: Accessibility, Autonomous Systems 🤖, and more

In this episode of The .NET Docs Show, John Alexander (@johnalexander) provides an introduction to machine teaching with Project Bonsai.

The #HallwayTrack segment offered a live walkthrough of the quickstart doc shared in the #CheckUp segment. John started with a 3D simulation of a moab device and ball and then switched to a physical moab device with a ball. We learned how to balance a ball on the device using the power of artificial intelligence. Along the way, a declarative, strongly typed programming language called Inkling was used as the teaching code. John also announced that a .NET SDK for Project Bonsai is in the works and that samples are coming soon!

This segment also covered some impactful accessibility initiatives of recent times at Microsoft. John shared his experience beta testing the Xbox Adaptive Controller. We heard about how the controller has changed his life as a gamer living with cerebral palsy.

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