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Open Call For Guests

One of the things that I really love to do is to create podcasts

second only to listening to them

I'm almost always on the lookout for people to interview for the shows that I create, and would like to invite anyone who has a passion for .NET development to be on my show.

But I'm no expert, Jamie

Neither am I. And you don't have to be. I want to hear what everyone has to say, and that means you.

I want to talk to people from the community, people who are working with .NET technologies every day, people just like you. I mean, there's a reason why each episode starts with:

Hello everyone and welcome to THE .NET Core podcast - the only podcast which is devoted to: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, SignalR, and not forgetting The .NET Core community, itself.

emphasis added to prove a point

That means you. Yes, you. Well that is, if you're interested in .NET stuff.

If you're working with any of the .NET stuff that I talk about (Core, Mono, Xamarin, ASP NET Core, SignalR, EF, etc.) on the show and would like to be on it, then please do get in touch. One of my aims for the show is to be about the community and what we are all building together (both closed and open source), so why not get in contact and see about being on the show?

You're just doing this because you've run out of episodes!

Absolutely not. I just want people to feel like they can be on the show should they wish to be, because we're all creating interesting stuff everyday and I want everyone to hear about it all.

Plus, how cool would it be to be able say that you were on a podcast which has 8,000* subscribers?

(* that's an estimate based on wobbly maths using individual IP addresses and download numbers. Subscriber count isn't one of those things that you can easily quantify)

So how do I do this?

Easy. Leave a comment, or send me a DM on twitter (they're open, so you wont have to follow me first). From there, we'll figure out a time which would suit you and I'll send you my super exclusive podcast guest FAQ.

Top comments (8)

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack

Can we nominate people? :)

dotnetcoreblog profile image


davefollett profile image
Dave Follett

I nominate:

thejoezack image
Thread Thread
dotnetcoreblog profile image

What say you, Joe?

Thread Thread
thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack

Is it okay if I answer every question with a question?

Thread Thread
dotnetcoreblog profile image


rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

This is super cool! I don't think I'm to the point yet where I have much to offer as a guest on a podcast (still very new to working as a software developer), but maybe another six months or a year down the road I'll be a little more refined and see if you're still looking for guests :D

I do love that you've opened up your podcast to the every day "common" developer though, it's going to provide a whole different kind of conversation than you'd see on a podcast where they stick to interviewing field experts.

I may have missed it, but what's the name of the podcast? I'd love to listen to it on my commute in the mornings.

dotnetcoreblog profile image
Jamie • Edited

This is super cool! I don't think I'm to the point yet where I have much to offer as a guest on a podcast (still very new to working as a software developer), but maybe another six months or a year down the road I'll be a little more refined and see if you're still looking for guests :D

I am looking to talk to folks from all levels of their career, especially if they have had no personal exposure to development. And even more so if folks aren't from a "CompSci at school" background. I'll always be looking for interesting folks to talk to, so hopefully you'll feel more confident reaching out soon.

I do love that you've opened up your podcast to the every day "common" developer though, it's going to provide a whole different kind of conversation than you'd see on a podcast where they stick to interviewing field experts.

As much as the field experts have knowledge and experience to bring, I feel like everyone has a story to tell and with different views points will be able to tell them in new and refreshing ways.

I may have missed it, but what's the name of the podcast? I'd love to listen to it on my commute in the morning.

So the show is called "The .NET Core Podcast". It can be a little hard to search for on some podcatchers because of the presence of the period. But I've added a page with direct links to the show on the most common podcatchers, on the show's website at: