Idea 💡
is a very versatile part of web development for persisting data, but it can do so much more.
Every change fires a storage event on the window Object across tabs, which means it can be used as remote. 🤯
Potential uses 🛠
- Video controller in a small popup window
- Speaker view of presentation slides
Implementation ⚗
I used svelte-kit for the example (see links) 😉
The actual amount of code needed for this pattern is very minimalistic. On the remote side we only need to set a localStorage
item and this in turn will trigger the event which we can listen to.
on:click={() => localStorage.setItem('signal', 'message')}>
Set 'message'
The receiver is a little more work, but svelte is our friend and helper 💪
let signal = '';
const listener = () => {
const value = localStorage.getItem('signal');
if (!value) return;
signal = value;
<svelte:window on:storage={listener} />
Received Signal: {signal}
If you open the remote and the receiver (same browser and base URL) you should be able to send and receive signals across tabs without any network request.
⚠ because of security issues localStorage
is blocked on the svelte REPL, so it will not work there
I hope you found this entry interesting and learned something new ☺
Links 🔗
- website
- repo
- Photo by Kelly Sikkema
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