Advent of PBT 2021 — Learn how to use property based testing and fast-check through examples
Our algorithm today is: respace.
It comes with the following documentation and prototype:
* You're given a message where spaces have been removed.
* Your aim is to find back the original message given a dictionary
* containing all the words. As many messages could be encoded the
* same way, you may have to return two or more messages. No specific
* ordering is expected when multiple solutions are available but all
* must be returned.
* @param spacelessMessage - Message without any spaces
* @param words - List of accepted words (no repeat and at least one
* character long)
* @returns
* All the possible messages made only with the received words that
* could have led to this spacelessMessage.
declare function respace(spacelessMessage: string, words: string[]): string[];
We already wrote some examples based tests for it:
it("should be able to detect one match when there is only one", () => {
const out = respace("helloworld", ["hello", "world"]);
expect(out).toEqual(["hello world"]);
it("should not detect any match and produce empty arrays when no matchs", () => {
const out = respace("hellowooorld", ["hello", "world"]);
it("should be able to detect all the matches when multiple are eligible", () => {
const out = respace("tititi", ["ti", "titi"]);
expect(sorted(out)).toEqual(["ti ti ti", "ti titi", "titi ti"]);
How would you cover it with Property Based Tests?
In order to ease your task we provide you with an already setup CodeSandbox, with examples based tests already written and a possible implementation of the algorithm:
You wanna see the solution? Here is the set of properties I came with to cover today's algorithm:
Back to "Advent of PBT 2021" to see topics covered during the other days and their solutions.
More about this serie on @ndubien or with the hashtag #AdventOfPBT.
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