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Cover image for Day 1025 : Reset

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Day 1025 : Reset

liner notes:

  • Saturday : Spent the morning finishing up the radio show because my mind basically shutdown after work and I didn't really do anything productive. Mostly watched videos and let my mind wander! haha Got that done and headed to the station. Had a really good time. The recording of this week's show is at

Radio show episode image of a graph showing how many school shooting happened so far in the US for 2024  with the words Sept 7th 2024 Whole Libraries

  • Sunday : Surprisingly got a lot of stuff done, even though nothing was really coding related. I transferred the data from my old phone to a new phone. Factory reset my old phone and got it ready to ship back. I ironed and packed the clothes for my upcoming trip next week. I was able to cram everything into the backpack that I bought. Now, I just need to see if I can fit a couple of more things I normally carry in my backpack. Also did all the regular chores I do.

  • Professional : Had a few meetings to start out the day. There was a team meeting and it was good to see everyone. Then I helped a coworker with some Web Components that they are using in a project. Had a meeting with my manager and I got to demo a proof of concept I've been working on and got some feedback. I told him what I planned on doing for the rest of the week. We also discussed what the plans are for the upcoming quarter. Some pretty cool stuff.

  • Personal : Been playing around with my new phone. I like it. It's a little bigger than my last one so I'm getting used to it and not dropping it. haha Spent some time re-logging into apps. Also, working on some stuff for the property I'm looking to purchase. I'm now thinking that I could build a basement there. Never had one before living in Florida. The radio station is technically in a basement.

A thin waterfall flows down a narrow rock crevice, creating a small pool at the bottom. The rock face is rough and textured, covered in moss and lichen. There is a small evergreen tree on the right side of the image. The location is Punchbowl Falls, AB, Canada.

Last night before I fell asleep, I saw that there was a new "Spy x Family" movie that I didn't know about that released. I saw it when I logged into the Crunchy Roll app on my new phone. I also saw that there was a "Dr. Stone" episode that I missed for some reason. So there's plenty of things for me to watch. Coding-wise I think I'll work on a feature for my side project that I want to get working properly. Got some weird behavior when I implemented it previously. Going to take my time and walk through it. Going to eat and get started. It's been raining and everything is soggy and covered in puddles, so I won't be taking my steps

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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