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Cover image for Day 1043 : Cold Day

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Day 1043 : Cold Day

liner notes:

  • Professional : So many meetings today. Spoke with some folks to try and get a better understanding of why things aren't working with the project I'm on and possible solutions. Went down a couple of possible pathways to see if things could work. Basically, did more exploring between meetings and prepping for a meeting about my findings tomorrow.

  • Personal : Went through some tracks for the radio show. I replaced the battery in one of my trackers. Installed the nanostores package into my side project and fell asleep.

A panoramic view of the Na Pali Coast, Kalalau, Hawaii. The rugged cliffs rise dramatically from the ocean, creating a stunning and dramatic vista. There is a small, white-sand beach in the foreground, and the sky is partially covered in clouds.

Going to work on the radio show. I want to finalize the projects I'll pick up on Bandcamp this week. Maybe get the social media posts started. Going to work on pulling information into my side project and saving information. I'll be storing the state of data in a store so I can use the data in different components. Going to get my steps in before it gets too dark. It was a pretty cold day (relative for Florida).

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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