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Serverless and kubeless

Serverless Computing: Serverless computing, often associated with platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions, allows you to run code in response to events without managing the underlying infrastructure. It's a pay-as-you-go model where you're billed only for the actual compute resources used during the execution of your code.
Here's how you can use serverless with Kubernetes:

  1. Knative: Knative is an open-source project built on top of Kubernetes that enables serverless computing on Kubernetes. It provides building blocks for deploying and managing serverless workloads. Knative Serving allows you to run serverless functions, and Knative Eventing enables event-driven architectures.

  2. OpenFaaS: OpenFaaS is another option that allows you to run serverless functions on Kubernetes. It provides a simple and straightforward way to deploy and manage serverless functions using Kubernetes as the underlying infrastructure.

  3. Custom Solutions: You can also build your custom serverless solution on top of Kubernetes by leveraging tools like Kubeless or creating your own custom Kubernetes resources.

In these scenarios, Kubernetes handles the underlying infrastructure, scaling, and resource allocation, while the serverless framework abstracts away much of the operational complexity, making it easier to deploy and run code in response to events. This combination can be beneficial when you want more control over the infrastructure and need to run serverless workloads alongside other containerized applications in a Kubernetes cluster.

Remember that the choice between pure serverless platforms and serverless on Kubernetes depends on your specific use case, existing infrastructure, and requirements for scalability, portability, and control.

Serverless on-premise

Serverless computing is often associated with cloud platforms, but it is possible to implement serverless-like architectures on-premises or in private data centers. This approach is sometimes referred to as "on-premises serverless" or "private serverless." Here are some key considerations and approaches for implementing serverless on-premises:

  1. Container-Based Serverless: One way to achieve serverless-like capabilities on-premises is by using container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. You can deploy serverless functions as containers within your private cluster. Tools like Kubeless or OpenFaaS can help you run serverless functions on your on-premises Kubernetes infrastructure.

  2. Serverless Frameworks: Some serverless frameworks are designed to be infrastructure-agnostic, allowing you to run serverless functions on your own servers or data centers. Open-source solutions like Apache OpenWhisk and Nuclio offer this flexibility.

  3. Edge Computing: If you have distributed edge computing nodes, you can implement serverless functions at the edge to process data and events closer to the source. This is often used in scenarios where low latency is critical.

  4. Event-Driven Architecture: Design your applications with an event-driven architecture, where functions are triggered by events such as HTTP requests, messages, or changes in data. This approach can make your applications more serverless-like by decoupling components and allowing them to scale dynamically.

  5. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Implement Infrastructure as Code practices to automate the provisioning and management of on-premises resources. Tools like Terraform or Ansible can help you define and deploy serverless infrastructure on your own hardware.

  6. Hybrid Cloud: Consider a hybrid cloud approach where you use a mix of on-premises and cloud resources. Some cloud providers offer solutions that allow you to extend their serverless offerings to your private data center.

  7. Resource Management: Pay attention to resource management and scaling. Just like in the cloud, you'll need mechanisms to scale resources up and down dynamically based on demand.

  8. Security and Compliance: Ensure that your on-premises serverless solution meets security and compliance requirements. You may need to implement security measures and policies tailored to your environment.

  9. Monitoring and Logging: Implement robust monitoring and logging to gain visibility into the performance and behavior of your serverless functions on-premises.

  10. Cost Management: Although serverless on-premises can offer cost savings compared to traditional infrastructure, you should still monitor and optimize resource usage to control costs effectively.

Implementing serverless on-premises can provide greater control and data locality for certain use cases, but it also requires careful planning, infrastructure management, and ongoing maintenance. Assess your specific requirements and constraints to determine whether on-premises serverless is the right choice for your organization.


Kubeless is an open-source serverless framework that allows you to run serverless functions on Kubernetes. It provides a platform for deploying and managing serverless functions, enabling developers to build event-driven applications easily. Here are some key features and concepts related to Kubeless:

  1. Serverless Functions: Kubeless allows you to write serverless functions in various programming languages, such as Python, Node.js, Ruby, or Go. These functions are short-lived and stateless, designed to execute in response to events.

  2. Event Sources: Events are the triggers for serverless functions in Kubeless. Kubeless supports various event sources, including HTTP requests, Kubernetes events, Kafka topics, AWS S3 buckets, and more. You can define which event source should trigger your functions.

  3. Kubernetes Integration: Kubeless is tightly integrated with Kubernetes. It leverages Kubernetes resources to manage functions, event sources, and their associated configurations. This means you can use standard Kubernetes tools and practices to manage your serverless applications.

  4. Scaling: Kubeless provides automatic scaling of functions based on the incoming load. It spins up new pods to handle increased event traffic and scales down when the load decreases.

  5. Function Versioning: You can manage multiple versions of your functions and easily switch between them. This is useful for A/B testing or gradual deployments.

  6. Dependencies and Libraries: Kubeless supports the use of external dependencies and libraries, allowing you to use common libraries and packages in your functions.

  7. Triggers and Event Routing: You define event triggers and configure the routing of events to specific functions using custom resource definitions (CRDs) in Kubernetes.

  8. CLI: Kubeless provides a command-line interface (CLI) for deploying, managing, and testing your serverless functions.

  9. Community and Ecosystem: Kubeless is part of the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) and has an active open-source community. It also integrates with other Kubernetes-native tools and projects, making it a versatile choice for serverless on Kubernetes.

Kubeless is a flexible choice for organizations that want to leverage their existing Kubernetes infrastructure for serverless computing. It provides a way to build event-driven, scalable applications using familiar Kubernetes concepts and tools. However, like any technology, it's essential to evaluate whether Kubeless aligns with your specific use case and requirements before adopting it for your projects.

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