DEV Community

Sebastian Scheibe
Sebastian Scheibe

Posted on

#discuss Best course for functional programming?

Hey everyone!

What course would you recommend for learning functional programming which also incorporates real world examples?

I read already materials on the subject but they mostly evolve around the basics. I would like to see a course/video/post where a small project is built from ground up in a functional approach.

Any ideas?

Top comments (3)

vonheikemen profile image

I don't know about any course but I think your best bet would be looking for courses that teach a functional programming language like Elm, F#, Purescript or maybe ReasonML. Find a language that only supports functional programming patterns and build something with that.

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer

Pretty broad question. What type of project are you thinking of? For example if a web app then consider a functional approach to JavaScript (eg hyperapp) or elm or clojure. The latter is more general but includes clojurescript for web specifically.

iquardt profile image
Iven Marquardt

Shamless plug: I've been writing on a FP in JS course for quite some time.