In this article I want to show a simple example of how you can produce and consume Kafka messages with the AVRO format using TypeScript/JavaScript and KafkaJS.
What is Kafka?
Apache Kafka is a very popular event streaming platform and used in a lot of companies right now. If you want to learn more about Kafka, check out the official website.
However, since the whole ecosystem is based on JVM (Java, Scala, Kotlin), I never really checked for clients in other languages.
Recently I was playing around with a project in TypeScript and since it would have been handy to stream the results directly into Kafka, I checked for a JavaScript client and found KafkaJS. And it even plays well with AVRO.
How to use it?
Here is a simple example for an AVRO producer and consumer.
Set up a new node project and install these two dependencies. The schema registry is required to work with AVRO schemas.
npm install kafkajs @kafkajs/confluent-schema-registry
Configuring the Kafka connection
This example is in TypeScript but in JS it would work more or less in a similar way.
First import all the dependencies and configure all Kafka related settings.
import { Kafka } from "kafkajs";
import {
} from "@kafkajs/confluent-schema-registry";
const TOPIC = "my_topic";
// configure Kafka broker
const kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: "some-client-id",
brokers: ["localhost:29092"],
// If we use AVRO, we need to configure a Schema Registry
// which keeps track of the schema
const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
host: "http://localhost:8085",
// create a producer which will be used for producing messages
const producer = kafka.producer();
const consumer = kafka.consumer({
groupId: "group_id_1",
// declaring a TypeScript type for our message structure
declare type MyMessage = {
id: string;
value: number;
Create an AVRO schema
Now we need to make sure we can encode messages in AVRO. Therefore we need to be able to read a schema from a file and register it in the schema registry.
This is how the schema in this example will look like. Pretty straightforward, two fields called id which is a string and value which is an integer.
Insert this to a file called schema.avsc, we will use the confluent-schema-registry package to read it and register the schema in the schema registry.
"name": "example",
"type": "record",
"namespace": "",
"doc": "Kafka JS example schema",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "string"
"name": "value",
"type": "int"
Register an AVRO schema
Here is the function which we will use to read an AVRO schema from a file and register it in the schema registry.
// This will create an AVRO schema from an .avsc file
const registerSchema = async () => {
try {
const schema = await readAVSCAsync("./avro/schema.avsc");
const { id } = await registry.register(schema);
return id;
} catch (e) {
Produce a message using the AVRO schema
This is how we can build a producer. Before pushing a message (of type MyMessage which we defined above) we will encode it using the AVRO schema from the registry.
// push the actual message to kafka
const produceToKafka = async (registryId: number, message: MyMessage) => {
await producer.connect();
// compose the message: the key is a string
// the value will be encoded using the avro schema
const outgoingMessage = {
value: await registry.encode(registryId, message),
// send the message to the previously created topic
await producer.send({
topic: TOPIC,
messages: [outgoingMessage],
// disconnect the producer
await producer.disconnect();
Create a Kafka topic
You can skip this if the topic is already present. Before we can produce a message, we need to have a topic. This function also checks if the topic is already present in case you run this multiple times.
// create the kafka topic where we are going to produce the data
const createTopic = async () => {
try {
const topicExists = (await kafka.admin().listTopics()).includes(TOPIC);
if (!topicExists) {
await kafka.admin().createTopics({
topics: [
topic: TOPIC,
numPartitions: 1,
replicationFactor: 1,
} catch (error) {
Now we create our producer and consumer functions which publish an example message and consume it again.
const produce = async () => {
await createTopic();
try {
const registryId = await registerSchema();
// push example message
if (registryId) {
const message: MyMessage = { id: "1", value: 1 };
await produceToKafka(registryId, message);
console.log(`Produced message to Kafka: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`There was an error producing the message: ${error}`);
async function consume() {
await consumer.connect();
await consumer.subscribe({
topic: TOPIC,
fromBeginning: true,
eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
if (message.value) {
const value: MyMessage = await registry.decode(message.value);
And finally we execute both functions one after another.
.then(() => consume())
The console should print something like:
Produced message to Kafka: {"id":"1","value":1}
Consumed message from Kafka: Example { id: '1', value: 1 }
Demo repository with this code
I created a repository to demo this example. There is a docker-compose file which takes care of setting up a Kafka Broker and a Schema Registry.
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