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Edwin Klesman
Edwin Klesman

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

Enhancing Your ASP.NET Core MVC Project: CDN vs. Libman for Client-side Library Integration

Web development offers a plethora of libraries and resources to improve the functionality and aesthetics of your ASP.NET Core MVC project. When it comes to integrating external libraries, choosing between a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Microsoft’s Libman can be a pivotal decision. In this blog post, we’ll explore these two approaches to library integration, examine their advantages and disadvantages, and later, we’ll illustrate both methods using the popular Font Awesome icon library.

CDN vs. Libman: Adding External Libraries to Your ASP.NET Core MVC Project

In the realm of web development, the inclusion of external libraries can significantly enhance your project. To better understand the choices available, let’s first explore the general principles of using a CDN and Microsoft’s Libman for library integration.

Where is NuGet?

“Why isn’t NuGet package installer mentioned”, you might ask. That’s basically because in this article, I’m focussed on client-side dependency management. Although NuGet can be used to install client-side frameworks, etc. it is primarily used for managing server-side dependencies, such as .NET libraries and packages. It’s a package manager for .NET projects.

Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Before we dive into the pros and cons, it’s important to note that a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of servers that serve web content, including libraries and assets. This approach is often favoured for its simplicity and speed in delivering resources to your web application.


  1. Simplicity: Incorporating libraries through a CDN is straightforward and requires minimal configuration. You typically only need to include a single line of code in your HTML or layout file.

  2. Instant Updates: Libraries hosted on CDNs are updated automatically, ensuring you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

  3. Reduced Hosting Load: CDNs handle the hosting and distribution of files, reducing the load on your server.


  1. External Dependency: Your application relies on an external service, making it susceptible to downtime or changes in the CDN’s availability.

  2. Performance Concerns: External requests to the CDN may impact your site’s loading times, especially if the CDN experiences delays.

Using Microsoft’s Libman (Library Manager)

On the other hand, Microsoft’s Libman (Library Manager) provides a different approach to managing libraries in your ASP.NET Core MVC project. It offers local control and customization options, making it a versatile choice for web developers who seek greater control over their project’s dependencies.


  1. Offline Availability: Libman allows you to download and store libraries locally, ensuring your application remains functional even when the CDN is inaccessible.

  2. Version Control: You can specify the library’s version, preventing unexpected issues caused by updates.

  3. Security: Local management of libraries allows for code auditing and adherence to security standards.

  4. Customization: Selectively include only the parts of the library that your project requires, reducing unnecessary bloat.


  1. Initial Setup Complexity: Configuring Libman may be more involved compared to the simplicity of CDN integration, especially for beginners.

  2. Maintenance Responsibility: With Libman, you are responsible for keeping libraries up-to-date and managing dependencies.

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Illustrating with Font Awesome Integration

Now, let’s have a closer look at how you can integrate Font Awesome using both methods:

Step-by-Step: Adding Font Awesome via CDN

The CDN integration method is fairly straight forward, as you can see in the steps it takes to include Font Awesome:

  1. Open your ASP.NET Core MVC project.

  2. Navigate to your HTML or layout file.

  3. Add the following line inside the <head> section:

Integrating Font Awesome in your ASP.NET Core project using CDN.Integrating Font Awesome in your ASP.NET Core project using CDN.

  1. Save the file, and you’re done!

Of course, you’ll need to add the HTML into the views to actually use the library and display the icons, but the integration part is quite easy.

Step-by-Step: Adding Font Awesome using Libman

The integration part, when using Libman at itself, isn’t all that harder than the CDN variant:

  1. Open your ASP.NET Core MVC project.

  2. Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select “Add” > “Client-Side Library.”

  3. Search for “font-awesome” and select the desired version.

  4. Choose which files you want to include (e.g., CSS, fonts).

  5. Click “Install,” and Libman will download and add the selected files to your project.

Although the integration steps are quite simple for both the CDN and Libman variants, the actual difference is both the strength and constraint of the Libman way:

  • after integrating, you’ll have zero dependency on other services (CDN’s)

  • you are responsible for using the right version, and updating the client-side library when the time comes


The choice between a CDN and Libman for library integration in your ASP.NET Core MVC project is a critical one, impacting performance, reliability, and maintenance.

CDNs offer simplicity and immediate updates, while Libman provides offline availability, version control, and enhanced security.

Now you know the differences, pros and cons about Libman and CDN you can choose your path.

While we’ve used Font Awesome as an example, the principles discussed here apply to many external libraries you may incorporate into your web projects. As you embark on your web development journey, understanding these approaches will empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring your projects thrive in the dynamic realm of web development.

My personal take: If you’re solo and just starting out, are not working on a business-critical corporate solution, or are working on a Minimum Viable Product, don’t be scared to take advantage of the simplicity of using a CDN. Use Libman when you want to fixate things, don’t want all the CDN dependencies clogging up your loading speed, or need to have control for a production environment.

🙏🏻 Thanks for reading, and let me know if you liked this article, and I’m curious which approach you take and why, so don’t hesitate to share in the comments.

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