DEV Community

Eelco Verbrugge
Eelco Verbrugge

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Install Drupal 10 with Lando

In this post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Drupal 10 project using Lando, a powerful local development environment.

Before we begin, make sure you have PHP, Composer, Docker and Lando installed on your system. We'll then download Drupal 10 and configure a basic Lando setup.

Step 1: Install PHP

Ensure PHP is installed on your machine. You can follow the official PHP installation guide for your operating system.

Step 2: Install Composer (Make it Global)

Install Composer and make it globally accessible. You can download it from and follow the installation instructions.

Step 3: Install Docker

Download and install Docker from the official Docker website.

Step 4: Install Lando

Install Lando by following the instructions on the official Lando website or by using a package manager like Homebrew.

Step 5: Download Drupal 10

Download Drupal 10 to your desired location. You can use git or download the tarball from Drupal's official website.

Step 6: Initialize Lando

Navigate to your Drupal 10 project directory and run the following commands:

$ lando init
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Follow the prompts:

  • Choose current working directory as the app's codebase.
  • Select 'drupal10' as the recipe.
  • Set the webroot relative to the init destination as './web'.
  • Name your app, e.g., 'my-first-drupal-10-project'.

Step 7: Start Lando

Start your Lando environment:

$ lando start
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Step 8: Check Database Information

To access your database, use the following command:

$ lando info
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Take note of the database name, password, user, and optionally, the hostname.

Go to your browser and follow the Drupal installation.


Step 9: Stop Lando

Stop your Lando environment when needed:

$ lando stop
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Step 10: Modify PHP Version

Edit your .lando.yml file to set the PHP version to 7.4 under the config section.

Step 11: Restart Lando with PHP 7.4

Restart Lando to apply the changes:

$ lando start
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Step 12: Verify PHP Version

Access your Lando environment and check the PHP version:

$ lando ssh
$ php --version
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Step 13: Rebuild Lando

If needed, rebuild your Lando environment:

$ lando rebuild
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Step 14: Verify PHP Version Again

After rebuilding, check the PHP version once more:

$ lando ssh
$ php --version
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Congratulations! You've successfully set up a Drupal 10 project using Lando, managing PHP versions seamlessly. Remember, these steps provide a foundation for your local development environment, allowing you to efficiently work on your Drupal projects.

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