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HackTheBox Write-up: Crypto - The Last Dance

NB: This Write-Up does not give you the answer to the CTF since the machine is not retired. But It will explain the vulnerability around ChaCha20 and the reuse of nounce which is relevant in the Challenge.

Challenge Overview

In the “Crypto — The Last Dance” challenge, we are provided with a zip folder containing two files: and out.txt. Our goal is to decrypt the contents encrypted by the provided script and find the hidden flag.

Provided Files

from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20
from secret import FLAG
import os

def encryptMessage(message, key, nonce):
    cipher =, nonce=iv)
    ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(message)
    return ciphertext

def writeData(data):
    with open("out.txt", "w") as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    message = b"Our counter agencies have intercepted your messages and a lot "
    message += b"of your agent's identities have been exposed. In a matter of "
    message += b"days all of them will be captured"

    key, iv = os.urandom(32), os.urandom(12)

    encrypted_message = encryptMessage(message, key, iv)
    encrypted_flag = encryptMessage(FLAG, key, iv)

    data = iv.hex() + "\n" + encrypted_message.hex() + "\n" + encrypted_flag.hex()

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Script functionality:

The provided script performs the following steps

  1. Line 13–16: Defines the encryptMessage function to encrypt a message using ChaCha20 with a given key and nonce.
  2. Line 18–20: Defines the writeData function to write data to a file.
  3. Line 22–31: In the main block, a predefined message and a secret flag are encrypted using the same key and nonce. The IV, encrypted message, and encrypted flag are then written to out.txt.

Identifying the Vulnerability:

The main vulnerability in the provided script is the reuse of the nonce (IV) with the same key for encrypting two different plaintexts. This issue arises due to the nature of stream ciphers like ChaCha20.

How Stream Ciphers Work

Stream ciphers operate by generating a keystream, a sequence of pseudo-random bits, which is then XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. The encryption process can be summarized as follows:

  1. Keystream Generation: Using a secret key and a nonce (IV), the stream cipher generates a keystream.
  2. Encryption: The keystream is XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext.

Importance of the Nounce

The nonce (Number used ONCE) is crucial in ensuring the uniqueness of the keystream for each encryption operation. When the same nonce and key are used to encrypt different plaintexts, the same keystream is generated. This reuse creates a critical vulnerability.

Vulnerability: Nounce Reuse

When a nonce is reused with the same key, the same keystream is applied to different plaintexts. This allows for a known-plaintext attack:

  1. Known-Plaintext Attack: If an attacker knows or can guess one of the plaintexts (known-plaintext), they can XOR the known plaintext with the corresponding ciphertext to recover the keystream: keystream = ciphertext ⊕ known-plaintext.
  2. Keystream Recovery: Once the keystream is recovered, the attacker can decrypt any other ciphertexts encrypted with the same keystream by XORing the keystream with the ciphertext: plaintext = ciphertext ⊕ keystream.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

In the provided script, the same nonce and key are used to encrypt both a predefined message and a secret flag. This can be exploited as follows:

  1. Extract the Known Plaintext and Corresponding Ciphertext: We know the plaintext message and its corresponding ciphertext from out.txt.
  2. Derive the Keystream: XOR the known plaintext with its ciphertext to derive the keystream.
  3. Decrypt the Flag: Use the derived keystream to XOR with the encrypted flag ciphertext, revealing the original flag.

By reusing the nonce, the script effectively leaks the keystream, compromising the security of both the encrypted message and the flag.

Let’s consider a simplified example to illustrate this:

  1. Plaintext1: “HELLO”
  2. Plaintext2: “WORLD”
  3. Nonce and Key: Both plaintexts are encrypted using the same nonce and key.

If we have: Keystream = ciphertext1 ⊕ plaintext1

We can then use the keystream to decrypt the second ciphertext: plaintext2 = ciphertext2 ⊕ keystream

This shows how critical nonce reuse can expose sensitive information encrypted with stream ciphers.

Exploitation Steps for the CTF:

  1. Extract the Known Plaintext and Corresponding Ciphertext (Line 14–18): We know the plaintext message: “Our counter agencies have intercepted your messages and a lot of your agent’s identities have been exposed. In a matter of days all of them will be captured”.
  2. Derive the Keystream (Line 25): XORing the known plaintext with its corresponding ciphertext allows us to derive the keystream used for encryption.
  3. Decrypt the Flag (Line 28): Using the derived keystream, we can XOR it with the encrypted flag to retrieve the original flag.

Decryption Script

Due to HackTheBox policies I’m not allowed to show the decryption script. But based on the information above you should be able to construct a Python script that will sole the Challenge. It will be posted when the Challenge is retired.


Output and Result

Running the decryption script gives us the decrypted flag:

Decrypted FLAG: HTB{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}

IV: c4a66edfe80227b4fa24d431
Encrypted message: 7aa34395a258f5893e3db1822139b8c1f04cfab9d757b9b9cca57e1df33d093f07c7f06e06bb6293676f9060a838ea138b6bc9f20b08afeb73120506e2ce7b9b9dcd9e4a421584cfaba2481132dfbdf4216e98e3facec9ba199ca3a97641e9ca9782868d0222a1d7c0d3119b867edaf2e72e2a6f7d344df39a14edc39cb6f960944ddac2aaef324827c36cba67dcb76b22119b43881a3f1262752990
Encrypted flag: 7d8273ceb459e4d4386df4e32e1aecc1aa7aaafda50cb982f6c62623cf6b29693d86b15457aa76ac7e2eef6cf814ae3a8d39c7
Derived keystream: 35d631b5c13780e74a58c3a2405eddaf93259fcaf73fd8cfa985177387587b5c62b7840b629b1bfc121db00dcd4b9972ec0ebad26a66cbcb1232696996ee14fdbdb4f13f3035e5a8cecc3c3641ffd4904400ec8a8ea7acc939f4c2df13618baff2eca6e87a52cea4a5b73fbbcf10fa93c7434b1b09513fd3f572cda7fdcf8a40f521b6e2c589123c4fa6019a10b5db070273fe63eb7b4f6617074cf4
Decrypted flag bytes: 4854427b756e6433723537416e44316e395f35375233614d5f433150483352355f31355f35316d506c335f61355f374861377d

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References: — ChaCha20-Poly1305 — What happens if a nonce is reused in ChaCha20-Poly1305? — CVE-2019–1543 Detail — Does ChaCha20-Poly1305 need random nonce? — The Security of ChaCha20-Poly1305 in the Multi-user Setting

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