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Egehan Usluer
Egehan Usluer

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Easy Math

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The Background
This code aims to calculate three different math operations, integration, derivation, and determinant of a given matrix. For the integration and the derivative, it calculates a numerical result, both the function and matrix are asked from the user. This small project designed as a small math terminal game.

The Explanation of The Code
There are three different operations that used in the code. For the integration and derivation, a parent class, called as Calculus_Operation, is created, which takes a string function in its constructor. Also another, function in this class is built for formulating a math expression from the string input by using lambda function.

class Calculus_Operation:
    def __init__(self, function):
        self.function = function
        self.funcs = {
            'sin': math.sin,
            'cos': math.cos,
            'tan': math.tan,
            'exp': math.exp,
            'ln': math.log,
            'log': math.log10,
            'sqrt': math.sqrt,
            'arctan': math.atan,
            'arccos': math.acos,
            'arcsin': math.asin,
            '!': math.factorial
    def create_function(self):
        # create a function for math expression
        self.f = self.function.replace('^', '**')

        for self.func in self.funcs:
            self.f = self.f.replace(self.func, f"self.funcs['{self.func}']")

        return lambda x: eval(self.f)

    def print_result(self, result):
        self.result = result
        print(f"\nThe result of the calculation is {self.result}\n")

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Following to that, two different classes are created which called as Integral_Calculator and Derivative_Calculater which respectively calculates the integral and the derivative approximations. For the integral approximation, the Riemann's Sum method is used, meanwhile for the derivation, simple limit approach is used.

class Integral_Calculator(Calculus_Operation):
    # Using Riemann's Sum Method
    def riemann_sum(self, a, b, n):
        dx = (b - a) / n
        x = a
        self.result = 0
        for i in range(n):
            x += dx
            self.result += self.create_function()(x) * dx

class Derivative_Calculator(Calculus_Operation):
    def limit(self, x):
        # step size
        # for better accuracy, step size could be reduced
        h = 0.0001
        self.result = (self.create_function()(x + h) - self.create_function()(x)) / h
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For the determinant calculation, firstly user is asked to form a matrix, a function is created to take this input, check whether if it is a square matrix or not, then if it is a sqaure matrix, form the matrix. And for the determinant, a recursive function is created to calculated it which was based from a previous project of mine.

def determinant(A):
    # recursive funtion to return determinant value
    n = len(A)
    det = 0
    if n == 1:
        return A[0][0]
    elif n == 2:
        return A[0][0] * A[1][1] - A[0][1] * A[1][0]
        for i in range(n):
            matrix = [[A[j][k] for k in range(n) if k != i] for j in range(1, n)]
            det += ((-1)**i) * A[0][i] * determinant(matrix)
        return det

def form_matrix():
    size = int(input("To create a matix with n x n size, Please supply the value of n: "))
    credibility = True
    matrix = []
    for i in range(size):
        row = []
        temp_str_row = input(f"\nPlease enter the values of row {i+1} in format(e.g. 1,2,3,4,...): ")

        for i in temp_str_row.split(","):
            i = i.strip()
            if i:
        if(len(row) != size):
            credibility = False

        if credibility:
            print("\nYou did not supply right amount of values")
    if credibility:
        return matrix
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And finally a main function is created to ask user for the choice of the operation, and required variables( such as the matrix, or boundaries of the integral, etc.)

def main():
    print("\nHello there, we can help you with your integral and single variable differentiation problems. In addition, if there is matrix that you want its determinant to be determined, you are at the right place\n")
    print("Also, please take 1-2% of error into account\n")
    flag = True
        choice = input("Please tell, which operation you would like to get help. For integral help enter \"a\", for derivative help enter \"b\", and for determinant calculation enter \"c\" : ")

        if choice == 'a' or choice == 'A':
            f = input("\nPlease enter the function: ")
            integral = Integral_Calculator(f)

            a = int(input("\nPlease enter the starting boundary of the integral: "))
            b = int(input("\nPlease enter the ending boundary of the integral: "))
            # n could be increased for better accuracy
            integral.riemann_sum(a, b, 10000)

        elif choice == 'b' or choice == 'B':
            f = input("\nPlease enter the function: ")
            diff = Derivative_Calculator(f)
            x = int(input("\nPlease enter at what value would you like to see the estimated value of the derivative of the function: "))

        elif choice == 'c' or choice == 'C':
            matrix = form_matrix()
            if matrix is not None:
            print("\nYou did not enter any valid options\n")

        con = input("\nDo you want to use it again(Please answer y or n): ")
        if con[0] == 'n' or con[0] == "N":
            flag = False
            print("\nThanks for choosing us!\n") 

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The code works with no mistakes for the determinant calculation, however for the integral and the derivative calculations, it shows a small percentage of error(less than 2% on all trials that I have made). This was expected, since those are approximation methods. Also, the number of the functions that are used are only most known ones, for better usage the number of the function could be increased.

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