DEV Community

Anand Kumar
Anand Kumar

Posted on

DEV.TO | Telegram Posts

Today, I received one message on telegram channel of with a link to operator mono font which links to cufonfonts.

I wonder if it is legitimate. I checked Operator mono website and they don't have the font free for personal use as far as I know.

But cufonfonts says, it is free for personal use. Now, following are my concerns/points:

  1. Is it legitimate?
  2. If not, shall post such message in the channel which will increase the piracy?


Please leave your opinion in the comment section below.

Top comments (11)

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

First of all, thank you so much for reporting this.
I speak for the mods when I say that we check most of the posts and if something like this comes up, it will be discussed and taken care of directly.
In this case it was not obvious now, good that you recognized it.

cufonfonts states the following regarding licensing:

Legal notice's fonts are uploaded by our members. The license information stated by the members is usually correct but we cannot guarantee it. We give great importance to copyright and have developed some techniques to make sure that the previously mentioned issue doesn't occur, also the system automatically displays the copyright information of the font here. If you believe that this font is in violation of copyright and isn't legal, please let us know in order for the font to be removed or revised.

The original website is here:

I think this should be reported at Cufonfonts and we will discuss this internally how to handle the post.

elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar

Thanks for prompt response and i do understand that sometimes it is hard to discover this with third-party.
My intention was just to make sure that we at remain clean.

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Absolutely and you were right to do so, this was a honest thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

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utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Hey Robin, thanks for doing this. I know it's pretty late but I completely agree with you and as a corrective action, we have removed the post from the aforementioned Telegram channel (managed by Team Xenox) as well. We will be more vigilant about what is shared on the channel going forward.

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elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar

Sounds good.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Anand,

I'm struggling to find this post you mentioned. If you can drop the link here that would be super helpful!

The message you received over telegram was linking to a DEV post right? Assuming yes, this sounds like it would breach our Code of Conduct and we'd want to remove it.

Thanks so much for pointing this out!

elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar • Edited

Link is not a dev post. But a link posted on channel of telegram.
I feel, it is still bad because we have lot of people following this channel.
I can't say or determine who posted it but it is there.

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Hey Anand, thanks for flagging this! This is Utkarsh from Team Xenox. I understand the cause of confusion even though we try our best not to create such misunderstandings. We have removed the said post from the Telegram channel.
Also, thanks for the assist, Bhupesh! The Telegram channel is indeed managed by us. I should repeat that nothing is endorsed by, as clearly specified in the channel description as well. We have team of 28 developers who share useful and interesting posts with us, and we share those posts in the channel, mostly Dev resources, guides, and articles, etc.

That said, we will be more vigilant about what is shared on the channel going forward. Thank you!

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elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar

Thank you Utkarsh.

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney ๐Ÿ‘พ • Edited

As far as i know doesn't have a "offical" telegram channel, it is managed by people at Team Xenox

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elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar

Okay. I think same but channel name is which i think directly correlates to this. Anyway, it is just my opinion.