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Elias Yemataw
Elias Yemataw

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From To-Do List Chaos to AI-Powered Productivity: My Journey Building Autotask

Breaking Down Walls, Building Productivity: The Purpose of Autotask

The modern world throws a constant barrage of goals and ambitions our way. We want to learn new skills, achieve career milestones, or simply get organized in our daily lives. But often, the sheer size of these goals can be paralyzing. We stare at the mountain in front of us, unsure of where to even begin.

Autotask was born from this very struggle. My goal was to create a tool that empowers individuals to bridge the gap between high-level aspirations and actionable steps. We all have amazing ideas, but translating them into concrete tasks is where many good intentions fall by the wayside.

This is where the magic of AI comes into play. Autotask integrates Google's Gemini Pro AI model to provide AI-powered task generation. Here's how it works:

  1. Define your goal: Simply tell Autotask what you want to achieve. Be as specific or broad as you feel comfortable.
  2. AI takes the wheel: The AI analyzes your goal, breaks it down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and suggests a roadmap for achieving it.
  3. Actionable steps at your fingertips: Autotask presents you with a structured list of tasks, allowing you to prioritize, assign deadlines, and track your progress.

This AI-powered feature helps you deconstruct the intimidating mountain of your goals into a series of manageable steps. It acts as a guide, ensuring you're not overwhelmed but empowered to take action and turn aspirations into reality.

The Frustration that Fueled Innovation: My Personal Story with Autotask

The inspiration for Autotask stemmed from my own struggles with productivity. I'd constantly find myself brimming with ambition, setting exciting goals for myself – whether it was mastering a new language, finally tackling that home renovation project, or launching a side hustle. But here's the rub: once the initial excitement waned, I'd hit a wall


The problem wasn't a lack of motivation. It was the sheer opacity of the path ahead. Staring at a lofty goal felt like staring at a mountain from the base. I had no idea where to even begin, what steps were necessary, or how long it would take. This paralysis by analysis often led to procrastination and ultimately, a sense of defeat.

Breaking Down the Mountain:

This frustration became the driving force behind Autotask. I craved a tool that could bridge the gap between my aspirations and the concrete actions needed to achieve them. I needed something to deconstruct the mountain into manageable climbing sections.

Autotask: A Powerful Task Management Solution with AI Assistance

Autotask is not just your average task manager. It's a comprehensive tool designed to bridge the gap between ambition and accomplishment. Here's what I've achieved with this project:

Core Functionality:

  • Built a user-friendly interface allowing seamless account creation.
  • Implemented robust project management features, enabling users to create and manage multiple projects.
  • Nested functionality empowers users to add numerous tasks within each project.
  • Integrated essential task management actions – users can mark tasks as completed, edit existing tasks, and delete tasks as needed.

The AI Advantage:

Beyond the core functionalities, Autotask takes productivity to the next level with AI-powered task generation:

  • Users can define their goals – big or small.
  • The integrated Google Gemini Pro AI model analyzes the user's goal.
  • The AI then decomposes the goal into actionable steps, providing a clear roadmap for achievement.

The Outcome:

This unique combination empowers users to:

  • Break down overwhelming goals into actionable tasks.
  • Stay organized with well-defined projects and tasks.
  • Track progress with clear completion markers.
  • Increase efficiency through AI-powered task generation.

The Tech Stack Behind Autotask: Powering Productivity with Cutting-Edge Tools

Autotask leverages a powerful combination of technologies to deliver a seamless and efficient user experience. Here's a breakdown of the key choices and their benefits:


  • Next.js 14: As a popular React-based framework, Next.js provided a robust foundation for building the user interface. Its extensive ecosystem of resources and tutorials ensured smooth development and access to community support.
  • Tailwind CSS with Shaden UI Components: This combination offered a powerful and flexible styling solution. Tailwind's utility-first approach allowed for rapid UI development, while Shaden UI components provided pre-built elements for a modern and consistent design.

Backend and Data Management:

  • Bun Runtime: This innovative runtime environment offered several advantages. Bun's native TypeScript integration streamlined development, and its impressive performance delivered a fast and responsive user experience in Autotask.
  • Turso with SQLite: Turso, a lightweight SQL database framework, provided a solid foundation for data storage. The free tier for hobbyists aligned perfectly with Autotask's initial development phase. Additionally, Turso's CLI simplified the setup process.
  • Prisma ORM: This object-relational mapper (ORM) acted as a bridge between the application code and the underlying database. Prisma's intuitive syntax and ease of use facilitated efficient data interaction within Autotask.

AI and Task Generation:

  • Google's Gemini Pro LLM: This large language model (LLM) is the secret sauce behind Autotask's AI-powered task generation. Google's generous free tier made it an ideal choice for integrating this functionality. By analyzing user goals, Gemini Pro decomposes them into actionable steps, providing a clear roadmap for achieving aspirations.
  • Langchain: This library served as the bridge between Autotask and Gemini Pro. Langchain simplifies communication with the LLM, allowing me to send user goals as prompts and receive AI-generated task lists.

Challenge of Consistent AI-Generated Tasks

One of the most significant technical hurdles I faced in building Autotask revolved around ensuring consistent task list generation from Google's Gemini Pro LLM. Here's why it proved challenging:

The Pitfalls of Raw API Interaction:

  • Unpredictable Output: While Gemini Pro is a powerful LLM, using its raw API without careful prompting could lead to inconsistent output formats. This meant the AI-generated task lists might not be structured in a way my application could easily understand and parse into actionable tasks.
  • Extensive Prompt Development: I initially attempted to write detailed prompts to guide Gemini Pro towards generating specific task list formats. However, this approach was time-consuming and required significant experience with prompt engineering, which I lacked at the time.
  • Parsing Challenges: Even when I managed to obtain usable results from Gemini Pro, parsing the raw output into discrete tasks suitable for my application proved difficult. This required complex code and presented ongoing maintenance challenges.

Langchain to the Rescue:

Discovering Langchain was a turning point. This powerful library simplified the interaction with Gemini Pro and ultimately resolved these challenges:

  • Effortless Prompting: Langchain offered pre-built prompt templates for various functionalities, including list generation. This eliminated the need for extensive manual prompt writing, saving development time and ensuring consistent results.
  • Structured Outputs: Langchain allowed me to specify the desired format for the AI-generated task lists. For instance, I could request JSON response, making it easier for my application to parse the data.
  • Streamlined Parsing: Langchain facilitated the extraction of relevant information from the AI output. With Langchain, I could directly access the generated tasks within my code, eliminating the need for intricate parsing logic.

The Impact of Langchain:

The inclusion of Langchain proved to be a game-changer. It simplified the process of interacting with Gemini Pro, ensured consistent task list generation in the desired format, and significantly reduced development complexity. By enabling a smooth flow of data from the AI to my application, Langchain played a crucial role in realizing the full potential of Autotask's AI-powered functionality.

About the Author

I'm an enthusiastic developer based in Ethiopia, currently on a journey to master the art of frontend development. Building Autotask has been an incredible learning experience, allowing me to explore the exciting intersection of AI and productivity tools. I'm passionate about creating innovative solutions that empower individuals to achieve their goals.

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