What Is Storybook?
Storybook markets itself as a playground for UI components and its main focus is on “writing stories.”
Storybook use...
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I'm admittedly not the most technical person here 😅 but it's possible that I caught a typo:
"Storybook uses the concept of stories to document complements."
Is complements meant to be components there?
LOOL ya thanks
I still find it hard to wrap my head around the storybooks concept.... what's the difference with just writing React components to test out a UI?
And what if I'm happy with my storybook... can I export it as a React app?
Bit late to the party here, but I don't think it's about being able to export it as a React app but more to document your components. Knowing what components you have and how they behave is invaluable as it will reduce the time you spend re-inventing the wheel you invented a while ago with some other component.
So it's just for testing out components, and when they work, then you... copy > paste the code?
I have yet to test it out this far. I'm probably going to dabble around with Storybook this weekend as I want to suggest it to my team. I recently joined the team but there is no design system in place, nor are any of the components documented which makes the codebase a bit of a mess. I'm trying to turn the tide and looking for ways to help us keep track of our components, how we use them and what we can customise. Storybook seems like a good choice, but I'll have to give it a whirl before I know for sure. I'll write about my experience with it and will include a way to 'export' it to your own codebase if I find one :)
Haha, great! Looking forward to the post. So many things to learn and try out.
I have just started working with storybook on a project that I have designed, with Adobe XD. I love the process with the Component Driven Development. It feels more clean and swift.I know what I want and to how to get it component by component. love it <3
I love Storybook! It's so much easier building and testing components in isolation.
Are there any alternatives of storybook. I find storybooks a little un-customisable, if I have to host my component library for demo purpose. I want to have a different home page and component listing, may be some custom tags like experimental, under development, release versions etc against each component.
Thanks for the article. Exactly wanted this sort of guide to throw it to devs who don't familiar with a storybook concept.
Thank you for this article! I have dabbled into Storybook with Vue a few days ago and was considering writing an article on my experience as well, and your post has inspired me to do so. Cheers! :)
Awesome! I also use the plugin storybook-knobs to set states in a single story and storybook-addon-a11y to run basic a11y tests.
Awesome write up
Thanks for the article ! It pushed me to start writing a component library just for the heck of it 😍, the development experience is extremely smooth so far
Awesome Article Thank you
I’m struggling with setting up React TypeScript with the react-native-package, it could not build using webpack tweak. Do you have any skill in this topic?
You may want to join our discord here: discordapp.com/invite/UUt2PJb. But this should be easy to do using Babel 7 by putting this extending webpack under .storybook folder:
Ahh. I struggled way too long with themeing my storybook!