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Emmanuel Dalougou
Emmanuel Dalougou

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How to work the keyword: this ?

In this article, i don't want to take more times to explain how the this keyword work. I will explain in clear terms and fastly. In fact, more developers are confused about the this keyword.

What is ?

the this keyword references the object that is executing the current function.

  1. if a function is a method in a object, this reference that object

  2. if a function is a regular or anonymous function, this reference the global object which is the window object in the browsers and global for nodejs

How it Work ?

if a function is a method in a object, this reference that object

let's to create our first example and to explain in more details. we are going to create a simple user object with object syntax literal

const user = {
  name: "Emmanuel",
  country: "Ivory Coast",
  getAddress() {

as we can see in the user object we have a method called getAddress() and inside the method we have called the console.log(this) to show in the console the result of our this reference:

  name: 'Emmanuel',
  country: 'Ivory Coast',
  getAddress: [Function: getAddress]

we can see that this reference our user object. if we want to access for example the key name or country on each line inside the getAddress() method we can do that:

const user = {
  name: "Emmanuel",
  country: "Ivory Coast",
  getAddress() {

In the console, the result is

  Ivory Coast

With ES6 classes is the same.

class Person {
  constructor(name, country){ = name, = country}
  getAddress() {console.log(this)}

let person = new Person('Emmanuel', 'Ivory Coast').getAddress()

as we can see, we have to create a Person class and this class has the getAddress() method to show the this in the console, then we create a instance of our Person class and show the result:
we can see that the this keyword reference our Person class

if a function is a regular or anonymous function, this reference the global object which is the window object in the browsers and global for nodejs

we are going to create a simple function called getVideos() and show the this keyword in the console

function getVideos() {

when we show the result in the console, we can see a global object window in the browser or global object in nodejs

Top comments (2)

ycmjason profile image
YCM Jason • Edited

A nice simplified explanation, yet not complete.

Shameless ad:
I've written an article describing a more complete way of finding out what this is.

emmanuel_dal profile image
Emmanuel Dalougou

Thank you