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How to be cool and make Visual Studio Code (VSCode) transparent

Emmanuel K on December 28, 2018

I'm a huge fan of applications that can enable transparency. No particular reason. I just love the aesthetic. Others may find this useful by havin...
4fthawaiian profile image
Bradley McCrorey

re: mac os - I've got transparency working, albeit through a sort of backdoor. I'm using the amazing chunkwm as my window manager (tiling.. yum). I discovered recently that it had a plugin which allowed for dimming of inactive windows. A little searching yielded the fact that you can dim any window by app name, using this syntax in the .chunkwmrc file:

chunkc tiling::rule --owner Code --alpha .85 &

ymmv, as the window manager is probably overkill just to get transparency in vscode, but being that I was already running the window manager, it suited me just fine :) I should mention that obviously you can make any app transparent this way. The possibilities are endless!

kaliham profile image

so when I went to install chunkwm I got recommended yabai instead so I installed it but the command :

~|⇒ yabai -m config normal_window_opacity 0.85

~|⇒ yabai -m config active_window_opacity 0.9

apply to all windows got a clue on how to do it on a single app instead?

kevsestrella profile image
kevin • Edited

yabai -m rule --add app="Brave Browser" opacity=1.0


Thread Thread
amordo profile image
Alexander M.

I spent some time to get right name
Use app="Code" in case of VSCode
Relevant explanation (I just used grep instead jq):

derekrowe20 profile image
Derek Rowe • Edited

I finally got this to work on Elementary OS Juno:
I changed the command "nano ~/.devilspie/vscode_transparent.ds" to "nano ~/.devilspie/code_transparent.ds" I pasted the devilspie code in (only the one with the transparency defined in the hex code works) and pressed ctrl+s to save and then ctrl+x to exit. Then you have to run devils pie at startup by adding the command "devilspie" in settings/applications/startup.

I'm not sure if changing the file name from vscode_transparent.ds made this work or if using the hex code and not the 87/100 code made this work. But it does not work without devilspie running.

mkvmridul profile image

Basically changing name has no impact, it is just that using the hex code with 87/100 caused an error
" unrecognized argument $((0xffffffff "
This was the error in the second code

joaquincardonaruiz profile image

I got this to work on KDE by making a small Tweak.

( contains ( window_name ) "Code" )

instead of

( contains ( window_class ) "Code" )

Also, as Derek said, you have to run devilspie for it to work.

peacengell profile image

Hey man I was looking for this long time ago, you just make me happy to use vscode again :D. Thanks you bro.

It's just work with the """You can set your intended opacity using the hex string at the end 0xdfffffff(this is about 87% opaque which is adequate for me). It has a range of 1 to 99. """"

The only things I am stuck with is how can I convert 75% to the hex string.

How can I find the right transparent for me..

Please give me something thanks you in advance.

okms profile image
Ole Kristian Mørch-Storstein

Great tips here Emmanuel, just what I was looking for actually.

fmstrat profile image
Ben C

Linux is much easier now. Just install the GlassIt-Linux extension:

gergoo007 profile image

Sadly, you can barely see the text, so transparency is a bit limited. You can use code-transparent ( instead.