I wanted to run an application in Go that returned plain HTML,
I decided to use Cloudflare Workers, which can convert it to Wasm and deploy it.
I recommend syumai/workers's template for deploying Go applications to Cloudflare Workers.
syumai/workers: Go package to run an HTTP server on Cloudflare Workers.
Go + text/template
First, let's build using text/template
in a straightforward manner.
❯ ls -lh . /build
total 15656
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ergofriend staff 7.6M 8 8 20:12 app.wasm
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 1.2K 8 8 20:12 shim.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 16K 8 8 20:12 wasm_exec.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 160B 8 8 20:12 worker.mjs
It was almost 8 MB.
Cloudflare Workers has worker size limits depending on the plan.
The free slot is 1MB, and the paid slot ($5~) is 10MB.
Even with the final limit based on size after compression, it will be tough to fit into the free quota starting at 8MB.
TinyGo + text/template
So I decided to switch to TinyGo, which is supposed to be for WebAssembly (Wasm).
After building, the size is about 0.75 MB, which seems to fit into the free frame.
❯ ls -lh . /build
total 1160
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ergofriend staff 556K 8 8 20:23 app.wasm
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 1.2K 8 8 20:23 shim.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 15K 8 8 20:23 wasm_exec.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 160B 8 8 20:23 worker.mjs
But here is where tragedy strikes.
When I try to access the built application, I get an error.
[wrangler:inf] GET / 200 OK (35ms)
✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in response) RuntimeError: unreachable
at main.runtime._panic (wasm://wasm/main-0022bc46:wasm-function[35]:0x2b4a)
at main.(*text/template.state).evalField
at main.(*text/template.state).evalFieldChain
at main.(*text/template.state).evalFieldNode
at main.(*text/template.state).evalPipeline
at main.(*text/template.state).walk (wasm://wasm/main-0022bc46:wasm-function[569]:0x72cdd)
at main.(*text/template.state).walk (wasm://wasm/main-0022bc46:wasm-function[569]:0x730b0)
at main.main$1 (wasm://wasm/main-0022bc46:wasm-function[261]:0x2ac52)
at main.(net/http.HandlerFunc).ServeHTTP
panic: unimplemented: (reflect.Value).MethodByName()
The method MethodByName
, which is called when a template variable is passed in template.ExecuteTemplate(), is not yet It seems to be unimplemented.
Since TinyGo is a subset of the original, there are many unsupported features,
I found that text/template
was calling unsupported methods.
Now, I would like to be cool and say p-r for TinyGo, but this time I'm going to look for a quick alternative.
So I was looking for another template engine to replace text/template
and came across templ.
An HTML templating language for Go that has great developer tooling.
See user documentation at
Build a local version.
go run ./get-version > .version
cd cmd/templ
go build
Build and install current version.
# Remove templ from the non-standard ~/bin/templ path
# that this command previously used.
rm -f ~/bin/templ
# Clear LSP logs.
rm -f cmd/templ/lspcmd/*.txt
# Update version.
go run ./get-version > .version
# Install to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin
cd cmd/templ && go install
Use goreleaser to build the command line binary using goreleaser.
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean
Run templ generate using local version.
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
Run Go tests.
go run ./get-version > .version
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
go test ./...
Run Go tests.
go run ./get-version > .version
go run ./cmd/templ generate -include-version=false
go test ./... -short
Here is a summary of TEMPL.
It is not difficult to write a unique program, but it can be written like templ ≈ Go + JSX
templ hello() {
<div>Welcome back!
It looks like a very familiar writing style.
templ login(isLoggedIn bool) {
if isLoggedIn {
@hello() <! -- @ to use other components -->.
} else {
<input name="login" type="button" value="Log in"/>
When you use it, you call Go functions generated from the DSL by templ generate
on a component-by-component basis.
func login(isLoggedIn bool) templ.Component {
return templruntime.GeneratedTemplate(func(templ_7745c5c3_Input templruntime.GeneratedComponentInput) (templ_7745c5
Handle("/", templ.Handler(login(false))))
The function of the generated component inherits the argument types defined in the template, so it can be safely called.
Unlike some ExecuteTemplate, this is safe.
VSCode Extensions
Syntax Highlight and LSP completion will be very useful.
TinyGo + templ
Just to be sure, I checked and found that it only depends on reflect's TypeOf
, which is already implemented in TinyGo.
Now let's try using templ.
The build seemed to have enough room.
❯ ls -lh . /build
total 1008
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ergofriend staff 477K 8 8 20:35 app.wasm
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 1.2K 8 8 20:35 shim.mjs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 15K 8 8 20:35 wasm_exec.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 ergofriend staff 160B 8 8 20:35 worker.mjs
Here is the actual application.
When accessed, the HTML can be returned without error.
> wrangler deploy
Total Upload: 493.48 KiB / gzip: 187.91 KiB
Total Upload: 493.48 KiB / gzip: 187.91 KiB
The final deployed size is also 187.91 KiB
, so there is plenty of room to expand the application.
This verification is left in this repository.
This article is a translation from Japanese.
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