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Cover image for Rubymine, add a Ruby interpreter using WSL.
Erick Saavedra
Erick Saavedra

Posted on • Originally published at

Rubymine, add a Ruby interpreter using WSL.

I've been playing with Windows Subsystem Linux or WSL for a while now and the advantages of having a working Linux kernel inside my OS (Windows 10). Among which is to be able to configure the Ruby interpreter for my IDE (Rubymine) with the version of Ruby that I have installed in my wsl. For it I will continue with graphs that help in this configuration.

Add an interpreter

1: Open the Settings / Preferences

2: In the Ruby SDK and Gems page, click the + button and select New remote:

Rubymine config

3: Provide a path to the Ruby executable, for example:

  • /home/user-name/.rvm/rubies/ruby-X.X.X/bin/ruby for Ruby installations usin rvm.

  • /home/user-name/.rbenv/versions/X.X.X/bin/ruby for Ruby installations using rbenv.

Rubymine config

4: Udpate the interpreter path:

  • Ruby or version manager path: /home/user-name/.rbenv/versions/X.X.X/bin/ruby


In this simple way we can take advantage of WSL to work with Ruby in a more efficient and comfortable way. In addition you can install the New Windows Terminal to work with bash, powershell, cmd and others.

Thanks you for making it this far \o/.

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