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Quick Look at DSL and GPL? πŸ‘€


A DSL is a specialized type of language designed with the sole purpose of solving one problem in a particular domain.

DOMAIN - In the world of computer programming A domain target a specialized area of a computer program, in others word here an example of specific project or application could have the end goal of a program for a particular Cars Dealership, and the domain would be the dealership. or we could expand the scope of the project to include all of the dealership of a particular brand as the domain.

There are Many type of DSL, the most known one would be HTML use for websites.
From Wikipedia "DSLs can be further subdivided by the kind of language, and include domain-specific markup languages, domain-specific modeling languages (more generally, specification languages), and domain-specific programming languages. Special-purpose computer languages have always existed in the computer age, but the term "domain-specific language" has become more popular due to the rise of domain-specific modeling. Simpler DSLs, particularly ones used by a single application, are sometimes informally called mini-languages."

This is why a lot of people discuss if HTML, is a programming language or not

This not my opinion but to confuse you a lil more think about a writer of books, he could write his book in english or whatever is the native LANGUAGE known. so the Title of the book Could be the DOMAIN that set the tone of the book per se. The Writer have a SPECIFIC writing style. thats all.

This might confuse a lot of people but just remember one Thing a DSL from what I understand are designed to solve a specialized problem in the scope of a particular domain.


A GPL is a computer programming language that can be used across multiple's application domains, some languages might be lacking some features that others provide for example some could have a lot of libraries and frameworks to make websites others are better a doing application for mobile phone or desktop.

This is the Definition from WIKIPEDIA A general-purpose language is a computer language that is broadly applicable across application domains, and lacks specialized features for a particular domain. This is in contrast to a domain-specific language (DSL), which is specialized to a particular application domain. END

  • Note: This is a Quick blog written to improve my Technical writing skill after finding an amazing community of Dev and Technical Writer Called Inked-In Founded By the ⭐️ React Developer @Elixir_js go give him a follow.

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