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Aniket Hingane
Aniket Hingane

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Let’s Build Market Analysis Team with AI Agents

Witness Building of Your 24/7 Expert Market Analysis Team

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What's This Article About?
○ This article is about creating an AI-Agents powered tool for market analysis.
○ It uses multiple AI agents, each with a specific job like financial analyst or research analyst.
○ The tool can give detailed information about any company when you type in its name.
○ It explains how the system is built, including the computer programs used and how different parts work together.

Why Read This Article?
○ It shows how AI can be used to do complex market analysis quickly.
○ It gives insights into how AI can process large amounts of financial data. ○ The article explains how AI can provide detailed analysis by combining different viewpoints.
○ It's useful for business leaders, investors, and tech experts to understand how AI can help make important decisions.

Let's Design
○ The tool uses four AI agents: Financial Analyst, Market Research, Investment Consultant, and Final Report.
○ Each agent has a specific job to cover different parts of market analysis.
○ A central system makes sure all the agents work well together.
○ Users can easily input their questions and get detailed answers.

Our Project Structure
○ Main Module: This part creates the user interface and manages how the analysis is done.
○ TeeLogger: This helps in recording what the program does.
○ MarketAnalysis: This organizes how different AI agents work together.
○ Other functions: These help run the analysis, update the display, and show results to users.

Agents (Market Observers)
○ This part explains how different AI agents are set up, each with special tools for their job.
AI Agents (Employee) Goals
○ This section describes how tasks are set up for the AI agents using a file that's easy to change.
Detailed Orientation for our AI Employees (Config)
○ This part shows the detailed instructions given to each AI agent for their specific tasks.

Closing Thoughts
○ The article ends by discussing how AI might change business in the future. ○ It mentions possible future developments like AI managing investments or giving advice to executives.
○ It also talks about the importance of using AI responsibly and ethically.

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